Tag Archives: history

World War III Is Here NOW!

World War III, is actually only an advanced phase of World War I. World War I began in the Garden of Eden with a rebellion against GOD! The first casualties of war were Adam and Eve, and the first physical death was Abel who was killed by his brother Cain who did it out of […]

List Of Lying, Licentious, “Liberal”, Leftist Hoaxes Punctiliously, Pompously, Petulantly & Perfidiously Purveyed As Pulchritude By Democraps!

Pensiamento Peligroso

Israel Is Losing Credibility!

Wealthy Jewish businessmen contacted NYC Mayor Adams and insisted he put down protests at Columbia University HERE! Let’s go to the Jewish Torah to show why the BLOG title is so precient. In the Torah, we have the story of Noah and his three sons; Ham, Japeth and Shem. Shem is the father of Abraham. […]

Maine’s Governor To Allow National Popular Vote To Become Law!

Maine’s leftist Governor will allow the National Popular Vote to take hold in her state HERE! Leftist’s who are behind the National Popular Vote movement HERE! Why is this a BAD IDEA? The United States is a nation formed by STATES! Some states have huge populations like California 39 million, and some states have very […]

The Bell Curve & I.Q.’s!

Within the Bell Curve application, it has been shown that the I.Q. of various races – varies! The highest I.Q. on average is the Ashkenazi Jew. The lowest was the black community! What does that have to do with anything? If you’re a manipulative sort, it can have a lot to do with the politics […]

Is This De Ja Vu?

The article below is credited to: Simon Black – Sovereign Man “In the present position of Europe,” Napoleon wrote to his ambassador in Constantinople, “all my thoughts are directed towards England. . . nearly 120,000 men and 3,000 boats. . . only await a favorable wind to plant the [French flag] on the Tower of […]

The Path Traveled By Democracies Throughout History

From bondage to spiritual faith;    From spiritual faith to great courage;  From courage to liberty;  From liberty to abundance;  From abundance to complacency;  From complacency to apathy;  From apathy to dependence & From dependence to bondage SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso […]

16 Minute Video – The Hidden Hand Of the Warmonger Rothschilds Who Abuse Their Money & Power To Murder Oppress & Finally Enhance Their Position To Rule The World @ Our Expense

  Warmonger Rothschilds Sleight Of Hand   The Rothschilds likely have 30 trillion dollars in assets, and they use those assets to control people like George Soros, now deceased David Rockefeller, and others like Bill Gates etc.  Those billionaires wouldn’t be billionaires without Rothschild approval and help.  Find a billionaire who isn’t a Zionist, and likely […]

History – What Good Is It?

  Let’s start with the word itself – history.  This is speculation on my part, but not far fetched.  His Story, and  we’ll drop the second “S” and combine the two words, and voila, we have History.  With that in mind, we are talking about what someone observed or experienced and passed on verbally or […]

20 Second Video – U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye Ret. Tells Of The Deep State – Back In The 1970’s!!!

  U.S. Senator – Shadow Government exists!  That shadow government is well financed (they print their own money $$$$ at will), they buy and control Congress and the White House, they direct foreign policy, they control the economy in large part, they create inflation and deflation at will, the control the corporate media’s narrative (propaganda), […]

52 Minute Video – Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks To The History Of, And The Proper Understanding Of The U.S. Constitution. Very Clear And Cogent.

  Judge Napolitano is clear, concise and cogent in his presentation.  Very informative and entertaining.  See link below: Judge Napolitano & The Constitution – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think!  

Subtle Inuendo – Who Do We Fear Now? Who’s The Latest Bogey Man? Las Vegas A Tipping Point? Let’s Hope Not!

  By implication, now, we need to fear normal appearing apolitical, retired white middle class men in their mid-60’s.  We need to fear anyone with guns, but especially anyone with more than one gun or more than one bullet.  Everyone is suspect, and nobody deserves the right to own a gun. The Second Amendment is […]

Part II – America’s Future Judgment

  Pondering the future is always interesting, but how can we know for what to look forward if we don’t understand the present (see part I of America’s Judgment previous post), and how can we understand the present if we don’t know the past.  There are those who currently are trying to destroy America’s historic […]

Great Quote From Patrick Henry

  Patrick Henry is famous for his “Give me liberty or give me death!” speech, but here is an equally important quote of his: “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth… For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it.” […]

Video – “Let Them Eat Cake” – What Does France Have To Do With The 4th Of July?

  Would the American war for independence ever have happened without the French?  The below documentary may enlighten you: Let Them Eat Cake – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think!  

U.S. Heading For A Dictatorship? Don’t Roll Your Eyes At This – Look Around You!

  One of the most critical factors in the rise of NAZI Germany was propaganda.  The people had to be worked up into a frenzy in order to manipulate them into submitting to a dictator and supporting a war. What’s going on in America today?  The U.S. is in the face of the Syrians, Russians, […]

Are You Ready For War?

  The sabers are rattling, the rhetoric is escalating, the psy-ops are raging, the tactical maneuvers are increasing; there’s U.S. military training  on the borders of Russia and North Korea in high gear.  Why? Ink on paper!  That’s why!  It’s all about money.  Follow the money should be everyone’s mantra, because if you don’t, then […]