Bill Gates Admits dangerous ingredients in COVID jab HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Immigrants make their demands HERE! Why didn’t they make their demands before they came to the U.S. so they would have had it much more comfortable and accommodating once they arrived? Of course, the Democrats will arrange for these people to vote – as long as they vote Democrat/Socialist. Hey, the Democrats hate Vladimir Putin; […]

Short video of Pentagon immediately after the attack – where’s the plane HERE? Pensiamento Peligroso

Free movie on J 6 – not what corporate media and leftist government told you it was HERE! The British Rock Group The Who wrote a song called Won’t Get Fooled Again. A poignant lyric is “Meet th new boss same as the old boss see it at 7:47“. It doesn’t make any difference if […]

Astrazeneca pulls COVID vaccine from the market worldwide HERE! Who’s next? Any apologies forthcoming? Law suits, criminal action? Fraud alerts? Pensiamento Peligroso

Canada’s RETROACTIVE hate speech law HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Nayib Bukele, President El Salvador, to investigate his entire cabinet for corruption HERE! If only America had this kind of leadership! Pensiamento Peligroso

See EV car fire HERE, and listen to the testimony of the man who was trapped in the car because the doors and windows wouldn’t work! Quick thinking, he broke the window to escape before being burned alive! Busses catch fire HERE! SALT WATER + EV BATTERIES = FIRE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Obama still running the show HERE! Communist Congresswoman Maxine Waters (who actually pours gas on the flames) want to go after Trump Supporters HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Dr. Coleman’s prophetic speech HERE! The above edition is good – you can find this for free on the internet – the only problem is that it’s missing about 60 pages. Hmm, wonder what they didn’t want you to know? It also explains why the hard copy is so expensive – they don’t want you […]

Zuckerbuck’s new $300 million yacht – green or not HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

The Mayor of London is a Muslim. The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim. The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim. Mayor of Blackburn – Muslim. The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim. The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim. The mayor of Luton is a Muslim. The mayor of Oldham is Muslim. The mayor of […]

Pensiamento Peligroso

American occultism is fascinating HERE! This is stuff most people have never heard! Dr. Thomas Horn addresses the occult, demons, the Bible and much more! Christian Americans want to believe that America is (was) a Christian nation. In a way it was, but only in that the majority of Americans were Christian, or heavily inculcated, […]

Florida first U.S. State to ban “fake” meat HERE. Italy was the first country to do so. What will petty dictator Bill Gates do? Boo Hoo! Pensiamento Peligroso

Pedictions for the near future – what do you think HERE? Pensiamento Peligroso

U.S. Tuberculosis outbreak HERE! Two things to consider; one, there are instances of antibiotic resistant tuberculosis. Also, the below chart of our sources for antibiotics: Pensiamento Peligroso

Eva Vlaardingerbroek has something to say HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

You can vote your way into Communism, but you’ll have to shoot your way out! Pensiamento Peligroso

Affordability Crisis HERE! Solution? Avoid payments – avoid debt – save – invest – prepare to lower your standard of living – accept discomfort! The alternative is to Glorify God through the pursueit of knowledge, political action, overthrowing the corrupt central bankers, and be individually responsible for your community at the family, church, local, county, […]

Let’s go to the Jewish Torah for the answer to the question in the title of this BLOG post. In the Torah, we have the story of Noah and his three sons; Ham, Japeth and Shem. Shem is the father of Abraham. From Shem comes the term Shemites which has been shortened to Semites. Abraham […]

I used to get 10’s of thousands of visitors a month – a few years ago. Now it’s down to a couple of hundred or so. After 7 years of doing this BLOG, I will have fewer visitors this year than my first year. If you see anything you like, please pass it on – […]

Video training class for world leaders – stab the people in the back, and you’re in HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Biden’s economic advisor – who needs this advice HERE! The real answer to the question is that Congress in 1913 gave up sovereignty of our money to a private cabal of central bankers, the Federal Reserve, who charge us interest on our own money thereby enriching themselves at our expense by putting us in debt […]

Stakeholder Capitalism Communism HERE – you won’t like it if you’re not a world leader or a billionaire! Christians, true Republicans, Conservatives and Americans – your in the crosshairs and you won’t have a chance if this gets implemented, and it’s well on its way. Pensiamento Peligroso

Zimbabwe had billion dollar bills, and they wouldn’t buy a loaf of bread. An ounce of gold has bought a high quality man’s suit for thousands of years. So, which is better – gold or paper? Listen HERE for some pespective! According to the Constitution and the 1792 Monetary Act, gold and silver are money. […]

Matt Gaetz questions Trump prosecutor (persecuter?) HERE! (Exit out of subscriber request to view video interview). What happens when corrupt officials of the U.S. government hide behind the 5th Amendment? Watch this abuse and lament that America is no longer free nor safe! Democrats love it – Republicans (apart from RINO’s) hate it. It’s like […]

Top 10 crime ridden cities of California HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Popular vote verses electoral college HERE. The idea of a popular vote diminishes the fly over blue states influence and say in American politics. How narrow a victory would justify a recount. How much corruption would take place in the voting process to include the recount if there were one? Pensiamento Peligroso

Above is 2 former Republican Presidents, and 2 former Democrat Presidents plus their surviving spouses – all very chummy and friendly! The game is rigged folks!!! Pensiamento Peligroso