Tag Archives: Fascism

The Bell Curve & I.Q.’s!

Within the Bell Curve application, it has been shown that the I.Q. of various races – varies! The highest I.Q. on average is the Ashkenazi Jew. The lowest was the black community! What does that have to do with anything? If you’re a manipulative sort, it can have a lot to do with the politics […]

Does This Video Tell The Future – You Bet!

  Congressman Larry McDonald (Assassinated for telling the truth) This documentary video HERE was one of the most expensive made at the time, and is suppressed constantly because it shows how all of the terrorist groups are connected financially, strategically and ideologically.  People didn’t take much notice of it back in 1982, but with today’s […]

Partial List Of Communist Organizations With Their Links Who Are Active In America Today. Antifa Is In The Forefront & Planning Riots On November 4th 2020 The Day After Election.

  The fact that Antifa is planning riots and all out insurgency on the day after the National election would indicate that they are making their move for a totalitarian Communist Dictatorship in America, and that they are considering Trump as a shoe in for reelection. These riots will make the George Floyd riots pale […]

Big Business Bankrolls Big Leftists!

Big Business Bankrolls Billions To Big Leftists Big Business Bankrolls Big Leftists!  Hopefully, this isn’t at the expense of higher prices for their products and services or a  decrease in their dividends for you suckers on a fixed income or waiting to claim your 401K or IRA. SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! […]

Buried Alive!

Amy Phan West – Vietnamese Refugee – Communist Thugs Who Buried People Alive! Buried Alive!      Full Article SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! […]

Expert Covid 19 Testimony Before U.S. Senate – We Got It All Wrong – Politics Bad News!!!

  Vaccine Pimp Democratic Socialist Dr. (?) Anthony Fauci One Size Fits All Murderer Covid 19 U.S. Senate Testimony – CDC, NIH Fauci Fraud – Good reason not to politicize medicine. WANT AMERICA TO SURVIVE?  COPY & PASTE THIS STORY & SEND IT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! […]

“To Err Is Human; To Forgive Is Divine!”

18th Century British Poet Alexander Pope “To err is human; to forgive is divine.”  Alexander Pope was making a sage observation which would comport well with a general perspective from Scripture.  Let’s parse this phrase just a little.  We know from Scripture that all men are sinners (erring in the way of God’s law).  Nobody, […]

We’ve Been Venezuelaed & Zimbabwed!

We’ve Been Venezuelaed & Zimbabwed!  Another view HERE! Long live non-cooperation Gandhi style! SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no […]

Video – The Deep State Revealed By An Insider Who Was Very “DEEP”!!!

Deep State Exposed!  Carroll Quigley was a mentor to Bill Clinton, a professor at Harvard, Princeton and ultimately Georgetown University where he taught Bill Clinton how to be a duplicitous leader committing acts of treason with impunity. Reading List For Those Who Find Ignorance Repugnant: Tragedy and Hope Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution America’s […]

Biblical/Constitutional Reasons For Opposing Red Flag Laws! (ERPO = Extreme Risk Protection Order)

  Firstly, understand what happens when you allow the police or government agents into your home for a search: When the police (or whomever) under an ERPO enter the home, they can, and likely will do the following;   Immediately handcuff or restrain the homeowner, and maybe even rough him up if they don’t like […]

If You Remember Nothing Else, Please Remember This!

U.S. Troops Enter A Private Residence In Boston Looking For Terrorists The Troops Entered Private Homes Because Of This Cowardly Act Of Violence Dzhokar Tsarnaev, The Surviving Brother Blamed & Sentenced To Death If America is beset by violence in the streets, and if government buildings are attacked, and if government officials are attacked, then […]

What Will They Do?

  Virginia Wants To Take The Guns!  What will the authorities do?  Let’s look at what is going on in America today.  60% of all Americans cannot come up with $1,000 without borrowing it.  Do you suppose that there are any police or sheriffs who fall into that category?  Those same people are one paycheck […]

Video – The NEW New World Order!

The Illuminati All Seeing Eye & The New World Order Declaration On The Dollar! The NEW New World Order!  Permission to speak please?  DENIED!!!! Related Posts: 2 HOUR DOCUMENTARY VIDEO ON THE NEW WORLD ORDER – POP SOME POP CORN & SIT BACK & BE AMAZED AT HOW WE ARE HERE! 23 MINUTE VIDEO – BILDERBERGER […]

Michael Bloomberg’s Drag Queen Economy – Big Bucks For Big Perverts! A Lovely Bunch – Don’t You Think?

  Hollywood Is “Finally Catching On” to the Booming Drag Queen Economy 6:00 AM PST 12/3/2019 by Katie Kilkenny  FACEBOOK  TWITTER  EMAIL ME Movi Inc for World of Wonder Cutting the ribbon at DragCon 2019. The massive success of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ has launched dozens of stars and ignited red-carpet appearance deals for films like ‘Frozen 2.’ […]

Video – Of Actual Gun Confiscation In California!

  Video Of Actual Gun Confiscation In California!  NRA-ILA Explanation of the situation.  This is the fruit of “Democracy” when the majority can take away the rights of the minority.  (Of course, we don’t even know with voting machines how honest the election was that got this law passed!) SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – […]

If You’re Capable Of Thinking, Think About This!!!

NSA (National Security Agency) Seal – They Can Spy On You With No Warrant! While everyone was being diverted by the impeachment hearings, the Democrats slipped through a “reauthorization” bill for the unconstitutional Patriot Act, and on top of that, they made sure nobody could read the text!  Great legislating effort!  What a bunch of […]

Video – Listen To Tucker Carlson Interview The Face Of Antifa & Also A Professor In College – Whoa; Is This Where You Want Your Tuition $ Going?

Antifa Interview!  Scary stuff. SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! THERE ARE  23 LINKS AT THE BOTTOM OF […]

The “Pursuit Of Happiness”!

This BLOG has covered “life” and “liberty”, but not yet “the pursuit of happiness”.  The Constitution (declared as the “supreme law of the land”; meaning over state laws!) refers to the guarantee of the “pursuit of happiness” thirdly after life and liberty.  Firstly, we should understand clearly that it is the guarantee of the “pursuit”, […]

12 Minute Video – Human Rights Vs. Human Rights – Huh?

  Human Rights Vs. Human Rights!  Depends on how you define human, and rights.  Listen and learn. SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe […]

Video – $9.6 Billion Buys Lots Of Propaganda – Big Pharma Out To Get You! Ben Swann Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. About Vaccines!

Big Pharma Spends $9.6 Billion Propagandizing You & Coercing You!   Ben Swann interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about vaccine safety and efficacy, and California’s forced vaccinations and the possibility that adults will be included and that this nonsense will become a national edict! Watch Videos of Neil Z. Miller Discussing Vaccines   Lecture and interview topics […]

5 Minute Video – Don’t Cry For Me Argentina (Or America!)

  Don’t Cry For Me Argentina (Or America!)  When you can feel the rumblings of a freight train coming down the track about to run over you, is it too late to get out of the way? SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento […]

1 Minute Video – Antifa Puts Gay Conservative Man In Hospital – Time To Put Antifa In The Hospital?

Antifa  Is thugs, and the police and courts let them get away with all sorts of criminal activity. SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com […]

What Do We Know About The Left?

  First of all, what is included in the “left”.   Politically and/or ideologically, the left is associated with the terms “liberal”, Democrat, Marxist, Leninist, Maoist, Stalinist, Communists, Socialist, Fascist, NAZI, and possibly some others?  The left is antithetical to Christian virtues and laws.  Communism is known as scientific atheism.  In the ancient Hebrew, “left” is […]

Vile Activist Is Ordered To Pay Judicial Watch $22,000 + $4,000 Litigation Expense

  Antifa Activist Must Pay Judicial Watch.   Finally a judge with enough moxie to do what’s right.  Yvette Felarca is a teacher at a Berkeley CA public indoctrination center more formally known as a school.  She has a reputation for violence and a close association with Antifa and BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) which are […]

The Deep State Network At A Glance!

  Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! THERE ARE  22 LINKS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE ON THE RIGHT […]

1 1/2 Hour Speech By Dinesh D’Souza – Name Calling By Leftists Doesn’t Cut It!

Are You A Fascist A Racist Or Both? Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! THERE ARE  21 LINKS AT THE […]

The Difference Between The Republican & Democrat Party & Rank & File Members

Americans are led to believe that they have a choice, and that is the strength of our “democracy”.  Let’s first clear the air about “democracy”.  You will not find that word anywhere in the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution.   America is without a doubt (see 10 minute and 5 minute follow up videos linked here) […]

Do The Math On Electric Cars – 7 X’s The Cost Of Gasoline Driven Cars & That Doesn’t Include The Massive Government Subsidies To Make Them A Reality!!!


Discover The Networks – A Guide To Leftists & Their Organizations/Agendas

  DiscoverTheNetworks.Org  Here’s a research tool to get you oriented.  BAMN is a by any means necessary – murder, lying, stealing, cheating, harassment, violence etc. are all legitimate tools for achieving a Marxist/Leninist, Communist, heavy handed big government tyranny designed to enslave everyone, and to destroy the U.S. Constitution and individual liberty.  They have on […]

One Hour Video – The Influence Of Secret Societies On America. Goal? Get Rid Of God, Family, Tradition & Individuality! See It Happening Yet?

  Secret Societies – Their Influence On America!   This is a primer for people who care about America, and want to preserve their liberty.  If America falls, the world falls! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it […]