Tag Archives: Europe

Is Your Money Secure In The Bank? How About Your Stocks & Bonds? What You Need To Know & Do NOW!!!

Here’s what you need to know NOW! Any money you have in the bank is on loan to them. Watch the movie It’s a Wonderful Life starring Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Ward Bond and Thomas Mitchell, a stellar cast for an entertaining, and somewhat insipid, piece of propaganda from the banking industry circa […]

The Bell Curve & I.Q.’s!

Within the Bell Curve application, it has been shown that the I.Q. of various races – varies! The highest I.Q. on average is the Ashkenazi Jew. The lowest was the black community! What does that have to do with anything? If you’re a manipulative sort, it can have a lot to do with the politics […]

Borderless – The Movie – Bad News Europe & America Both. Do You Care? IMDb Rating Is 8.8 – Nearly As High As The Highest Rated Shawshank Redemption Movie @ 9.3!

Borderless Producer Lauren Southern Borderless  – The Movie!  The future is here and it’s ugly and it’s going to destroy your wealth, your liberty and maybe even your life!  8.8 IMDb Rating!  A comment from this writer; the producer, Lauren Southern, says at the end that these immigrants are not, on the whole, trying to […]

Technocriminals Push Fake Science – Hey Apple; You’re Full Of S _ _ t!!! (No profanity here – that’s shot – yeah right!)

  Apple Technocriminals Pushing Fake Science.  Here’s your 7th grade biology question;  “What do plants breathe in order to live?”   Answer:  Carbon dioxide – CO2)  What do plants exhale?  Answer: Oxygen.   What do people need to breathe in order to live?   Answer:  Oxygen  What do people exhale?  Answer:  CO2.  It’s a vicious cycle God created […]

Bayer/Monsanto – Roundup & Glyphosate Lose Another Law Suit – Attorney’s & The Aggrieved Smell Blood & Justice In Air!

  Justice In The Air – Bayer/Monsanto Starting To Stink! Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! THERE ARE  21 LINKS […]

Antifa Publishes Its Strategy To Murder Politicians Who Are Anti-Illegal Immigration. (That’s “Illegal” Which Is Not A Race Or A Religion)

  Antifa Exposes Their Murder Of Politicians Strategy!   Hey can you say; “Antifa”?  Can you say “murderer”?  Can you say; “DEMOCRAT“? Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! […]

Sermon – Polish Pastor Exposes The Strategy & Success Of Communism In Destroying The Church & Enslaving All!

The below link is from a pastor in Poland who has incredible courage and forthrightness.  How this came to me is unknown, although it is obviously God’s providence.  Listen to this man (Polish Pastor Paweł Chojecki) and have your eyes opened! Communist Slave Masters Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On […]

16 Minute Video – The Hidden Hand Of the Warmonger Rothschilds Who Abuse Their Money & Power To Murder Oppress & Finally Enhance Their Position To Rule The World @ Our Expense

  Warmonger Rothschilds Sleight Of Hand   The Rothschilds likely have 30 trillion dollars in assets, and they use those assets to control people like George Soros, now deceased David Rockefeller, and others like Bill Gates etc.  Those billionaires wouldn’t be billionaires without Rothschild approval and help.  Find a billionaire who isn’t a Zionist, and likely […]

Turkey’s President Erdogan Threatens War With Christianity!

  War Between Islam & Christians? Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads!  

26 Minute Video – Time Again For The Annual Bilderberger Meeting – Watch Out, They’re After Your Mind, Freedom & Property.

  When you click on the below link, you’ll have to put up with a couple of brief (10 second) commercials. Bilderberger 2018 Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free […]

4 Minute Video News Report – Grenade Attacks Daily In Sweden, 62 No Go Zones, Police Afraid, Rape Of Children & Women Rampant – Hey What’s Not To Like?

  Sweden Down The Tubes!  Hey, how’s that Muslim immigration invasion working out?  Sharia law forever!  Rape good!  Violence good!  Lying, cheating, stealing good!  Filthy living good!  George Soros good!  No George Soros scum – no good!  Fight back or get back. Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the […]

15 Minute Video – The Influence Of George Soros Over America’s Government, Education, Religion & The Moral & Economic Fall Out It Causes!

  Soros – The Face Of Evil.  He needs to be arrested, locked up, charged, tried, convicted and publicly executed with all of his monies (including that which he has given to his Open Society Foundation) confiscated.  Watch this video so you can see how insidiously he has insinuated and permeated his ideology through out […]

10 Minute Video – Sweden – The Rape Capital Of The World – Very Politically Correct – Paul Watson Lays It Out Clearly!

  Sweden Rape Capital Of The World Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads!  

Why Grandpa Carries A Gun!

  Facts you should know: The quintessential reason why Grandpa carries a gun. Please take time to read this and pay particular attention   to “A Little Gun History” about half way down    staggering numbers! Why Carry a Gun? My old Grandpa said to me, “Son, there comes a time in   every man’s life when he […]

37 Minute Video – Antifa Documented Thoroughly – Is It The End Of America?

“We have a right to use violence to get our way, but you don’t have a right to defend yourself.  We have a right to rule you, but you don’t have a right to rule us.  We have a right to believe and say what we want, but you don’t have a right to believe […]

Pensiamento Purveys Personal Points: What’s Beyond Charlottesville Virginia? Full Length Movies Included & Recommended Book Reading List.

What happens when the rich get too rich?  What happens when they join forces?  What happens when they get organized and control the government?  What happens when the government is acquiescent and compliant to the organized rich?  History is replete with what happens.  Those who resist are crushed and genocided. Those who go along become […]

49 Minute Video – Is U.S. Senator John McCain A NAZI? You Decide. How Does This Relate To Charlottesville Virginia’s Violent Demonstrations?

  How does all of this relate to Charlottesville Virginia and the violent protests?  Freedom of any Constitutional rights/guarantees are highly at risk.  If America goes down, the whole world goes down. John McCain A NAZI? – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes […]

20 Minute “TED” Video – Moroccan Woman & Former Employee Of Paris’s Charlie Hebdo Reveals What It’s Like To Be A Woman Under The Tyranny Of Islam & Sharia Law.

    Europe is lost to Islam.  This woman has the courage to speak out even though she is targeted for death by Muslim thugs.  Can’t get people to agree with you?   Just murder them or beat them into submission.  See link below: Muslim Thuggery Justified – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as […]

80% Of Sweden’s Police Are Ready To Resign As National Government Fails To Protect From 61 Muslim Thug No Go Zones! They Know Exactly What They’re Doing!!!

  U. S. President Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt said; “Nothing in politics happens by chance; it’s all very carefully planned.”  He is the same President who said; “What’s wrong with Communists; some of my best friends are Communist.”  The bankers financed Communism so as to have a billy club against the free countries.  Hegel’s dialectic of […]

U.S. Heading For A Dictatorship? Don’t Roll Your Eyes At This – Look Around You!

  One of the most critical factors in the rise of NAZI Germany was propaganda.  The people had to be worked up into a frenzy in order to manipulate them into submitting to a dictator and supporting a war. What’s going on in America today?  The U.S. is in the face of the Syrians, Russians, […]

40 Minute History Of America & The Rothschild Influence Upon It & The World!

This is a brief but potent 3500 year history of banking and power – wars for profit and corporate mergers – political machinations and assassinations – treason and betrayal  – infiltration and destruction of the church – Masonic and Illuminati secrecy etc.  Much of this is known to be true to this writer.  Some is […]

No Punishment For 3 Muslim Boys Who Rape 5 Year Old Girl In Idaho!!!

  If you’re a Muslim in America, it’s o.k. to rape, pillage and murder with impunity. Remember, women are held in very low regard by Islam.  They are circumcised, denied equal rights and treated as second class citizens.  See link below: Nothing Happens To Muslim Boys Who Raped 5 Year Old Girl – Pen Pensamiento […]

2 Minute Video – Thug Cops Force Man To Take In Immigrants To Live In His Property Against His Will – Coming To America? We’ll See.

  Free Housing For Immigrants

Germany Gives Private Homes To Illegal Immigrants

  Germany Confiscates Private Homes For Illegal Immigrants – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think!  

5 Reasons David Rockefeller Won’t Be Missed – Bill Gates Is The Threat Now!

  The following link exposes David Rockefeller and Bill Gates for their assault on mankind.  Watch the embedded videos. 5 Reasons Rockefeller Won’t Be Missed – How About Bill Gates?

Who’s Better At Bankruptcies Than Donald Trump? Will America Default?

  This link below is a very cogent and very informative interview as to the true nature of our debt, our dilemma, and dereliction to duty.  Like the sword of Damocles, our debt hangs over us with a sense of impending doom.  The ramifications will be abject poverty for those who are unprepared.  For those […]