Tag Archives: Communism

Could This Be Why You Can’t Say Anything Bad About Israel?

Could this be why you can’t say anything bad about Israel or Jews HERE? Bear in mind that there are a lot of really excellent and delightful Jewish people in this world, and this writer has worked for and known many of them. Just as there are fake Christians and Muslims, there are also fake […]

Homeowners Learning To Live Without Homeowners Insurance!

Homeowners learning to live without homeowners insurance policies HERE! Certainly in California, in recent years, the fire hazards have become quite notable and scary. Earthquakes, floods etc. cause them concern. As a result premiums for homeowners policies offer less and cost $10,000 a year or more! But, let’s take a closer look at what’s going […]

The Bell Curve & I.Q.’s!

Within the Bell Curve application, it has been shown that the I.Q. of various races – varies! The highest I.Q. on average is the Ashkenazi Jew. The lowest was the black community! What does that have to do with anything? If you’re a manipulative sort, it can have a lot to do with the politics […]

Short Video – Antifa Gets Handed Their Lunch In Ft. Collins CO.

Antifa Not Welcome Here!  This video has profanity and violence.  It’s mild, compared to what’s ahead.  Article from the Blaze HERE.  Extended video HERE. SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, […]

9/30/17 Post On Antifa – May Have More Meaning Today Than When Originally Posted!


Welcome To The “New Normal”!

The New Normal – Very Stinky! By now, you’ve heard the expression “New Normal” bandied about by all of the talking heads, politicians, big business, etc.  So, what is the “New Normal”, who decided it was the “New Normal”, what is its purpose, and do we have to accept the “New Normal”? First of all; […]

Laws For You, But Not For Me.

How Much Hypocrisy Can You Stand? For Thee But Not For Me SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! […]

Pictured – Baltimore Orioles In “Black (Bolshevik) Lives Matter” T-Shirts. Wanna Bet That Some Of Them Didn’t Have A Choice To Wear Them?

  SHORT VIDEO – BLM FOUNDER PATRISSE CULLORS DECLARES HERSELF A “MARXIST” SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! […]

The Issue Is NOT The Issue!!! The Issue Is Always…..

Debating The Agenda Of Liars, Thieves & Hypocrites Is A Waste Of Time ……the revolution!  Yes, all of this nonsense about Covid 19 and Black (Bolshevik) Lives Matter (BLM Web Site) is a ruse to distract from the true and ultimate objective which is to overthrow the U.S. government and turn us into a Communist […]

Video – Isolation Quarantine Enforcement Officer? What A Surprise?

  Isolation Quarantine Enforcement Officer.  Fraudulent epidemics must be carefully monitored and controlled.  MAKE AMERICANS FREE AGAIN!  HERE is the Federal law on isolation and quarantine. Related Posts: BILL GATES TO VACCINATE EVERYONE MEET BILL GATES – HE’S OUT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE & TO ENSLAVE YOU TO HIS WAY! SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become […]

One Of The Greatest Rewards You Can Give A Criminal Is…..

  ……anonymity.  Requiring everyone to wear a mask provides anonymity for criminals.  If you can’t I.D. a criminal, then they are home free, and they can wreak havoc, property crimes, robbery, burglary, violent assault, arson, and even murder with impunity.  How convenient, and what a way to intimidate the general public through proxies (Antifa & […]

Chicago Mayor Lori “Light In The Head & The Loafers” Said; “Trump Won’t Terrorize Chicago.” Just “Our” Gangs Will Terrorize Chicago.

Chicago Mayor Lori “Light On Principles & Intellect” Lightfoot Pimps “Gay” Agenda Lori Light In The Head Lightfoot.  She will allow criminals to terrorize Chicago, but she won’t allow Trump to do so?  Of course, she’s presuming that’s what Trump wants to do.  There’s absolutely no doubt that’s what Antifa and Black Lives Matter wants […]

Does This Video Tell The Future – You Bet!

  Congressman Larry McDonald (Assassinated for telling the truth) This documentary video HERE was one of the most expensive made at the time, and is suppressed constantly because it shows how all of the terrorist groups are connected financially, strategically and ideologically.  People didn’t take much notice of it back in 1982, but with today’s […]

8 Minute Video – Deadliest Virus Ever!

Video – Deadliest Virus Ever. Related Post: SHORT VIDEO – BLM FOUNDER PATRISSE CULLORS DECLARES HERSELF A “MARXIST” SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com […]

Follow The Money!

  Follow The Money.  Also, Bill Gates bought big into Moderna which has the most advanced vaccine for Covid 19.  Surprise! SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes […]

Watch The 4th Video On This Link – Describes Rape, Sodomy, Beatings & Robbery In Seattle’s CHOP.

Antifa & BLM – George Soros Funded Street Thugs – Trump Does Nothing! Seattle’s Victims Report.  &   BLM Marxist SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! […]

Video Documentary – Hong Kong; Is It A Precursor To America’s Fall? To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed.

Mao Tse Tung – Communist Dictator – Murdered 100 Million + & Enslaved Billions Hong Kong Vs. America’s Future.  Burying your head in the sand will not make it go away.  America is abandoning our friend Hong Kong to the thugs of China.  Is America next? BLM Marxist Confirmed  Compare the philosophies that led to […]

What Would Happen If…….?

Seattle WA Statue Of Communist Vladimir Lenin Dictator/Murderer ……if conservatives, patriots or whatever decided to tear down every statue of leftists such as Lenin, Stalin, King, F.D.R, John Brown etc.? Related Post: VIDEO DOCUMENTARY – HONG KONG; IS IT A PRECURSOR TO AMERICA’S FALL? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED. SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below […]

Life Under Communism In America – Get Ready; It’s Almost Here.

Communist Flag Of The Soviet Union – Flies Over The U.S. American Communism Almost Here.  This writer has been trying to warn people for over 30 years.  Ho hum, we’ve heard it all before.  Suddenly, the velvet glove of Socialism is removed to reveal an iron fist.  Hey, why weren’t we told?  You were told […]

Yup, No Surprises Here. Seattle’s CHAZ, Renamed CHOP Has Border Patrol & Deportations. What Happened To “Building Bridges” & Being Welcoming?

  Seattle’s Rioters and Protesters Welcome You – Unless They Decide To Deport You To coin a verse from the popular 1984 hit from the band Genesis, “It’s no fun being an illegal alien.”  CHOP is deporting “illegal aliens” meaning people they don’t want.  Hmm? Seattle’s CHOP Is Deporting People. SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below […]

Obama Treason On Display For All To See, But How Many See It & How Many Care?

  The Enemy  Among  Us!! By Charles Krauthammer Oct 11, 2017   An article from the New York Post:       I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called […]

Pride In America Has Dropped To An All Time Low According To A Gallup Poll!

A Gallup poll says pride in America is at an all time low – I wonder why?  Le’t see about the 31 things of which we can be proud listed below, and it should be clear from a Google search that the word “Pride” has been co-opted by the LGBTQBFD crowd: 1.)   America is the […]

Partial List Of Communist Organizations With Their Links Who Are Active In America Today. Antifa Is In The Forefront & Planning Riots On November 4th 2020 The Day After Election.

  The fact that Antifa is planning riots and all out insurgency on the day after the National election would indicate that they are making their move for a totalitarian Communist Dictatorship in America, and that they are considering Trump as a shoe in for reelection. These riots will make the George Floyd riots pale […]

For Christians Only – Well Maybe Unbelievers Might Benefit Too?

  How Do Christians Understand & Apply Romans 13 – A Controversial Scripture. Romans 13 and the Limits of submission to the Church or State                   by Jack Kettler The following essay will touch on the issue of submission to the State or Church. It will be argued that there are limits to submission to both entities […]

Denver Post Article – CIA HQ In Denver

CIA Emblem CIA HQ Denver CO – Denver Post Confirms SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! THERE ARE  […]

Texas – An Interesting Possibility? This is Some Meaty Food For Thought.

If you do not already know, then you should know that Texas is the only state that entered the Union covenant with the United States of America with the qualification that if they wanted to, at any time, they could secede from the Union.  Currently, Texas is a “Red” state meaning it is dominated by […]

Why Was The Obama Foundation Promoting George Floyd More Than A Week Before His Death?

Barack Obama – A Bonafide Communist Marxist Leninist Anti-American Scumbag. Obama Foundation Promotes George Floyd More Than A Week Before  He Was Killed SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then […]

ANTIFA Planning Attacks On Rural American Farmers.

“Chepe” Commie Antifa Leader – Hates America, Pro Murder, Destruction & Chaos. Antifa Planning Attacks On Rural American Farmers.   As America slides into the abyss of totalitarian socialism and ultimately communism, it takes a lot of money, coordination and organization.  It involves some very wealthy people like George Soros along with committed street thugs such […]

37 Minute Video – ANTIFA Exposed – Barack Obama Tied To It.

  ANTIFA – Communist (By Their Own Admission) Fascists, NAZI’s – Violent Murderers  Antifa Documentary ANTIFA Baby turned into police by parents Joe Biden No Moderate Antifa planning attacks on rural America SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as […]

Reuters Reports: U.S. Presidential Candidate Behind Financing Donations To Rioter’s Legal Team For Bail – Got To Get Those Paid Rioters Back On The Street!

  U.S. Presidential Candidate & Scumbag Extraordinaire Biden Bails Out Rioters SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe for free – no ads! THERE […]