Tag Archives: Totalitarianism

The Bell Curve & I.Q.’s!

Within the Bell Curve application, it has been shown that the I.Q. of various races – varies! The highest I.Q. on average is the Ashkenazi Jew. The lowest was the black community! What does that have to do with anything? If you’re a manipulative sort, it can have a lot to do with the politics […]

Biblical/Constitutional Reasons For Opposing Red Flag Laws! (ERPO = Extreme Risk Protection Order)

  Firstly, understand what happens when you allow the police or government agents into your home for a search: When the police (or whomever) under an ERPO enter the home, they can, and likely will do the following;   Immediately handcuff or restrain the homeowner, and maybe even rough him up if they don’t like […]

Video – Of Actual Gun Confiscation In California!

  Video Of Actual Gun Confiscation In California!  NRA-ILA Explanation of the situation.  This is the fruit of “Democracy” when the majority can take away the rights of the minority.  (Of course, we don’t even know with voting machines how honest the election was that got this law passed!) SCROLL DOWN Many Links Below – […]

If You’re Capable Of Thinking, Think About This!!!

NSA (National Security Agency) Seal – They Can Spy On You With No Warrant! While everyone was being diverted by the impeachment hearings, the Democrats slipped through a “reauthorization” bill for the unconstitutional Patriot Act, and on top of that, they made sure nobody could read the text!  Great legislating effort!  What a bunch of […]

The “Pursuit Of Happiness”!

This BLOG has covered “life” and “liberty”, but not yet “the pursuit of happiness”.  The Constitution (declared as the “supreme law of the land”; meaning over state laws!) refers to the guarantee of the “pursuit of happiness” thirdly after life and liberty.  Firstly, we should understand clearly that it is the guarantee of the “pursuit”, […]

3 Minute Video – The Rise In Homelessness – You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!

  Dumpster Diving For Food The Rise In Homelessness!  Will you wait until it is at your front door?  This writer’s mother told him about the “Great Depression” of the ’30’s.  People would come to her back door seeking a scrap of food, and they were willing to work for it.  Now, with the entitlement […]

Video – The Future Is Now! 60% Of All Americans Are Effectively Broke – One Paycheck Away From Bankruptcy & Foreclosure On Their Homes!

  Americans Are Bankrupt!   This is a financial debacle, although it is a moral, spiritual, and philosophical bankruptcy as well.  Bankers are rubbing their hands with glee as they anticipate being able to own everything for ten cents on the dollar, and they create all of the dollars out of thin air! Many Links Below […]

23 Minute Video – Bilderberger 2019 Meeting Location Still Unannounced! What Do They Have Planned To Push Us Into War & The New World Order?

  Bilderbergers Are Tyrants, and they will send your sons to war, tax you to death, spy on you and deny your privacy and freedom.  Do you care?  Here’s their “official web site” just in case you doubt that the group exists.  Here’s their very recently announced agenda! Historically they take over an entire five star […]

5 Minute Video – The Horrifying Attack On Your 1st Amendment Right By Big Tech With Full Support From Corporate Media

  Horrifying Attack On Your 1st Amendment Rights   Tucker Carlson nails it and reveals the enemies of your individual Bill of Rights freedoms!  Thank you Tucker; you are one of the very last voices in the corporate media to speak the truth and defend liberty! Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass […]

China & Australia – Both Pursuing A New Dark Ages – Very Dark!!!

  New Dark Ages!   China and Australia are putting the kibosh on free thought, movement and self-informing pursuits.  Don’t worry, we’ll get it here in America too – it’s just a matter of time. Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as […]

Discover The Networks – A Guide To Leftists & Their Organizations/Agendas

  DiscoverTheNetworks.Org  Here’s a research tool to get you oriented.  BAMN is a by any means necessary – murder, lying, stealing, cheating, harassment, violence etc. are all legitimate tools for achieving a Marxist/Leninist, Communist, heavy handed big government tyranny designed to enslave everyone, and to destroy the U.S. Constitution and individual liberty.  They have on […]

14 Minute Video – Illegal Immigrants & Antifa Supporters Destroying Canada & Free Speech. Hey, Maybe Civil War Is What Our Leaders Want?

  Canada Under Attack – Trudeau A Traitor   Antifa is hard core Communist slugs who will destroy freedom if they are not stopped.  Why do the police stand down?  Could it be that they are under orders from high officials in government who are Communists or Communist sympathizers?  Maybe the rich George Soros’s, Rockefeller’s, Bezos’ […]

Re-Post If You Missed It The First Time. This Is Your Future Formally Planned As Far Back As 1954, And It’s All Come True & Is Still Coming True – To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed – Wake Up Before It’s Too Late!

VIDEO – “THE SILENT WAR”. THE WAR AGAINST AMERICANS & THE WORLD BEGAN IN EARNEST IN THE 1940’S. OUR LIVES AS SHEEP & SLAVES HAVE BEEN PLANNED FOR THE LAST 70 + YEARS!!! – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think! http://www.touchstoneconnect.com Subscribe […]

37 Minute Video – Antifa Documented Thoroughly – Is It The End Of America?

“We have a right to use violence to get our way, but you don’t have a right to defend yourself.  We have a right to rule you, but you don’t have a right to rule us.  We have a right to believe and say what we want, but you don’t have a right to believe […]

53 Minute Video – Peter Schiff, A Jewish Economist, Chimes In On Charlottesville, Virginia. What A Brilliant Thinker He Is.

  Peter is a brilliant and articulate man who has a tremendous grasp of truth.  Listen and be amazed at his cogent presentation of the false dichotomies given to the American public by the lying corporate media.  See link below: Peter Schiff On Charlottesville Virginia – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees […]

80% Of Sweden’s Police Are Ready To Resign As National Government Fails To Protect From 61 Muslim Thug No Go Zones! They Know Exactly What They’re Doing!!!

  U. S. President Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt said; “Nothing in politics happens by chance; it’s all very carefully planned.”  He is the same President who said; “What’s wrong with Communists; some of my best friends are Communist.”  The bankers financed Communism so as to have a billy club against the free countries.  Hegel’s dialectic of […]

46 Minute Video – For The Intellectuals Only. Jeff Rense & John Rappaport Analyse The “Shrinking” Of The English Language – Buzz Phrases & Collective Thinking Are The Way Of The Day!

  What benefit is there in language?  How about vocabulary (knowledge base of words) How about grammar (proper coordinating of word usage)?  How about spelling (proper order and completeness of letters in a word)?  How about semantics (proper use and choice of the best word by knowing its true meaning)?  How about sentence structure (assembling […]

40 Minute History Of America & The Rothschild Influence Upon It & The World!

This is a brief but potent 3500 year history of banking and power – wars for profit and corporate mergers – political machinations and assassinations – treason and betrayal  – infiltration and destruction of the church – Masonic and Illuminati secrecy etc.  Much of this is known to be true to this writer.  Some is […]

No Punishment For 3 Muslim Boys Who Rape 5 Year Old Girl In Idaho!!!

  If you’re a Muslim in America, it’s o.k. to rape, pillage and murder with impunity. Remember, women are held in very low regard by Islam.  They are circumcised, denied equal rights and treated as second class citizens.  See link below: Nothing Happens To Muslim Boys Who Raped 5 Year Old Girl – Pen Pensamiento […]

13 Minute Video – Criticize Islam & Die – Or At Least Be Attacked With An Intent To Murder.

  Robert Spencer has done a great deal of scholarly work in studying the Koran, analyzing it and exposing its violent nature, and that of its adherents.  For that, he has now been poisoned literally.  He’s also been poisoned by a cowardly, spineless, leftist corporate media with absolutely no backbone to stand up to evil. […]

Venezuela Update – Chavistas Not Supporting Maduro Any More!

  As the poor and even middle class rummage through garbage to survive, there is growing frustration and anger toward former Communist/Socialist President Hugo Chavez’s hand picked successor Nicholas Maduro.  It appears the jig is up for Maduro, and the only thing between him and the back door or a shallow grave is the military. […]

EU Votes To Tighten Controls On Internet Speech! U.S. Is Next!

  The First Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights is “Free speech”.  It is not a benefit that Europeans have.  You cannot allow free speech in a totalitarian society.  It will undermine the power and tyranny (from the Greek tyranos or godless rule) of those who are running things politically, and expose the bankers […]

The Reason Why America’s Founding Fathers Gave Us The Second Amendment

  First is a comment by Alexander Hamilton who was one of three authors of the Federalist Papers which were for the purpose of explaining to the people why the Constitution was written the way it was.  Below that is a link with a two minute news report on Venezuela taking guns away from the […]

Why Is Heroin Getting Cheaper, And Why Is There More Of It Being Used? You’ll Never Guess Why!!!

  Did you know that the U.S. is, along with other nations, enforcing massive sanctions against North Korea?  What has North Korea done about that?  They’ve started growing poppies and producing and selling heroin.  This is a No No, because the CIA enforces the monopoly of the Committee of 300’s Read the book world heroin hegemony.   […]

Those Who Love The Mistakes Of The Past Will Condemn Others To Repeat Them!

  Now that the masses have been thoroughly inculcated with public (government) schooling which is the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto, it’s now time to indoctrinate the youngest members.  MIT Press has taken on the challenge. Communism Book For Kids It should be duly noted that wealthy bankers in the U.S. financed both Hitler’s and Lenin’s […]

Oprah Winfrey For President – Surely You Jest!

This linked article will add some perspective: Polls Favor Oprah Wnfrey For President – Really?

David Rockefeller Dead At 101 Years Old!

  Don’t feel obligated to shed any tears over this man’s demise.  David Rockefeller had spent his life trying to enslave the world to a world government run by self-appointed rich people like him and his numerous non-governmental organizations he participated in or founded as the case may be.  His auto biography entitled Memoirs, is […]

Deranged Anti-Trump People – Please Forgive The Inclusion Of Profanity – Demonically Possessed People Do That Sort Of Stuff – This Is Not Only Hard To Take, But Hard To Believe – 3 minutes!

  Screaming Anti-Trumpsters Are Definitely Deranged!

Is Amazon a Good Deal or Trojan Horse?

  Is Amazon A Good Deal Or A Trojan Horse? For a terrifying vision of the future, there are books like 1984 and Animal Farm, and movies like Enemy of the State or The Matrix, but in America, we’ve gone way beyond that.  The link above demonstrates the insidious nature of today’s technology and how it […]