Tag Archives: retail

Is The Time Coming Soon When Real Estate Will Be Cheap In San Francisco? Keep Your Ear To The Ground & Your Eyes Peeled!

The below post deals with the idea of urban renewal. Read it and learn. Google is not renewing its lease in prime office space in downtown San Francisco HERE and Sales Force HERE! As office space goes away so do people and business. At the rate of decline, San Francisco will be a ghost town […]

The Latest In Store Closures – Hey Isn’t The Economy Booming?

Don’t believe the lying fake news media – the economy is tanking because people don’t have money any more.  There’s a lady who drives a nice car and lives in a nice neighborhood, but she can’t afford to pay an $80 bill that’s two months overdue. Abercrombie & Fitch: 60 more stores are charted to […]

List Of Retail Chains Closing In 2017

  There’s a reason for all of these store closures.  It’s one of two reasons.  Either the retailers don’t know how to operate a profitable business which is not likely,  Or, the retail consumer has no money to spend.  It is most likely the latter reason.  If so, why do they not have money?  Obamacare […]