Tag Archives: America

Is The Time Coming Soon When Real Estate Will Be Cheap In San Francisco? Keep Your Ear To The Ground & Your Eyes Peeled!

The below post deals with the idea of urban renewal. Read it and learn. Google is not renewing its lease in prime office space in downtown San Francisco HERE and Sales Force HERE! As office space goes away so do people and business. At the rate of decline, San Francisco will be a ghost town […]

The Bell Curve & I.Q.’s!

Within the Bell Curve application, it has been shown that the I.Q. of various races – varies! The highest I.Q. on average is the Ashkenazi Jew. The lowest was the black community! What does that have to do with anything? If you’re a manipulative sort, it can have a lot to do with the politics […]

Video – Hollywood 7 Minute Short – “Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death”

John Litel As Patrick Henry – 1936 Give Me Liberty Liberty Or Death!  John Litel has 216 credits on IMdB, and yet this writer had never heard of him before seeing this.  Now his name will live in my heart as long as the character whom he played.  This speech was delivered in a CHURCH!  Patrick […]

Goodbye America?

Goodbye America! The Pied Piper of Hamelin is, whether true or not, instructive.  The Pied Piper led the young and naive away from the security of their homes and families to who knows where?  Today, the young in America have no recollection, and very little knowledge, if any, of their heritage.  The Pilgrims and Puritans […]

If You’re Capable Of Thinking, Think About This!!!

NSA (National Security Agency) Seal – They Can Spy On You With No Warrant! While everyone was being diverted by the impeachment hearings, the Democrats slipped through a “reauthorization” bill for the unconstitutional Patriot Act, and on top of that, they made sure nobody could read the text!  Great legislating effort!  What a bunch of […]

Mark Your Calendar – 9/27/19 – Hollywood Is Releasing The Movie “Hunt”! The Prey? – Trump Supporters! Can It Get Any More Obvious?

  Release Date Temporarily Pushed Back Due To False Flag Shootings in El Paso & Dayton MAGA Creatures In The Sites Of Hollywood!  This movie is typical of the Sicko mentality (pardon me Michael Moore) of the Hollywood hypocritical, lying, leftists, pedophillic, elitist, drug addled, narcissistic pukes.  Sorry Cher if I didn’t cover one of […]

Trailer For Roe V. Wade – It’s Got The Pro-Abortion Crowd In A Frenzy Because Of A Strong Cast – Big Screen Hollywood Quality & Exposes Lies The Democrats, Planned Parenthood & The Corporate Media Have Proffered For Decades.

  Roe V. Wade  The lies can’t be concealed any more.  This movie (trailer) will blow the lid off of Planned Parenthood, the “women’s” movement, corporate media lies, the death industry, the killing of black babies disproportionately to white babies (Margaret Sanger eugenics), and much, much more!  Alveda King (Martin Luther King’s niece and former […]

Video – Former CIA Agent & Whistle Blower, Kevin Shipp, Exposes The “Deep State” & Donald Trump’s Efforts To Shut Them Down.

  Kevin Shipp Interview By Greg Hunter Exposing The Deep State.  Kevin Forecasts violence this summer in America.  Be prepared for it! Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you […]

12 Minute Video – ISLAMberg Upstate New York – Enter At Your Own Risk!!!

ISLAMberg New York – Enter At Your Own Risk. “Welcome”?  Maybe – it depends on if you are a Muslim practicing Sharia law. Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes […]

ANTIFA Leader Admits He’s A Communist & That He Hates America & Wants To Destroy It – He Also Wants To “Kill & Burn” Rich People & Abolish Private Property

America; You’re Dead!!!   If this guy has his way, as is the case in all Communist countries, he will live in the lap of luxury at your expense, and he will shoot you if you complain.  He will tell your where to live, what you can hold and use, if you will have money or […]

Even Faux (FOX Fake News) News Refused To Run This 30 Second Trump Ad Right Before The Midterm Election – They Said It Was “Racist”!

  Trump Ad Censored Right Before Election.  FOX News is the Fox in the hen house – don’t trust them any more than CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, BBC etc. etc.  Identifying a criminal is “racist” – don’t do it!  Just let those criminals alone to rape, pillage and create mass chaos – no problemo!!!  DO […]

Video Asks How Is It That An Overt Communist Became The Head Of The CIA? Equally Important, How Is It That America Is Not Overtly A Communist Nation By Now?

  Mark Levin exposes the moles and corruption that is undermining America.  These people are rotting out the core of America and trying to make us fall.  It is only the 2nd Amendment that stands between freedom and slavery.  Remember, that Communism is “scientific atheism”!  Atheists, no matter how well intentioned, are ultimately the enemy […]

What Is Scientific Atheism?

  Science is knowledge.  Atheist comes from the Greek a-Theos; meaning without God.  So an atheist isn’t denying God, he is without Him.  So a scientific atheist is one who has no knowledge of God – he is a materialist and an empiricist.  Instead he looks to man’s knowledge and the state as his god.  […]

37 Minute Video – Antifa Documented Thoroughly – Is It The End Of America?

“We have a right to use violence to get our way, but you don’t have a right to defend yourself.  We have a right to rule you, but you don’t have a right to rule us.  We have a right to believe and say what we want, but you don’t have a right to believe […]

Part II – America’s Future Judgment

  Pondering the future is always interesting, but how can we know for what to look forward if we don’t understand the present (see part I of America’s Judgment previous post), and how can we understand the present if we don’t know the past.  There are those who currently are trying to destroy America’s historic […]

Great Quote From Patrick Henry

  Patrick Henry is famous for his “Give me liberty or give me death!” speech, but here is an equally important quote of his: “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth… For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it.” […]

90 Minute Evaluation Of the Decline Of The Dollar & America. Very Insightful!

  Jim Willie does an analysis of world events that are never discussed by the politicians or the corporate media.  He’s dug deep and thought long and hard on what’s going on, and this is a real eye opener. Dollar Devaluation – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it […]

What Are The Biggest Exports Of America Today?

  Yes, folks, money is the biggest export of America.  The bankster criminals fraudulently print money and send it overseas at a rapid pace.  The second biggest export from America is propaganda.  The propaganda covers a corrupt religion of materialism, a false impression that America is the land of the free and we’re fighting for […]

3 Minute Video – Virginia Quietly Removes 5000 + Illegals From The Voter’s Roles – Hey; No Big Deal – Right?

  Virginia quietly removes over 5000 illegal immigrants from the voter’s roles.  Hey, if they don’t mind coming here illegally and living off of the system, they surely won’t mind voting illegally – maybe even four of five times if they can get motivate, and if the corrupt Democrats will drive them to the polls. […]

California Farmer Fined $2.8 Million By Army Corps Of Engineers For Plowing His Own Land – Hey You Can’t Do That!!!

  The Army Corps of Engineers is certainly not fighting for American’s freedoms.  In fact, our government is run by dictatorial,  lying, cheating, thieving, thugs, murderers, perverts and war mongers.  Wake up America, while there’s still a remote possibility that this insanity can be stopped. California Farmer Fined – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth […]

The Marred Strangled Banner – Some Original Poetry To Sing Along With!

  The Marred Strangled Banner   Oh Say can you see What so sadly is right That our freedom was lost While we slept through the night   O’re the ballot boxes we watched As the Socialists went streaming Through their brazen attacks The loopholes were gleaming   And the media was there With pundits […]

Repealing Obamacare Violates International Law! That Is, Of Course, If You Choose To Be Subservient To The Corrupt, Hypocritical, Socialist U.N.

  You may laugh, but the United Nations is as serious as a heart attack, and they think they actually count.  As long as leftist politicians in America give them money and credibility, they do count – even though they are responsible for child molestation, rape, pillage, murder, warmongering and undermining governments that disagree with […]

Israeli Former Defense Minister Admits To ISIS Collaboration – 2 1/2 Minutes

  The U.S. gives tens of billions of dollars to Israel every year!  That’s your tax money!!!  It’s being used so Israel can work with ISIS whom we are fighting supposedly, but we financed, equipped, and trained ISIS first before we started fighting them, and we set them up to overthrow Assad.  Are you getting the […]

CBS San Francisco Coverage Of Berkeley Riots – There’s Something Wrong Here!

  When you look at this short video, you’ll wonder why the police aren’t bashing and arresting the protesters who are wearing masks.  Only Communist agitators wear masks at a protest, and typically, the police don’t touch them.  That M.O. (modus operandi) may change in the future.  The first part of the news cast deals […]

Oprah Winfrey For President – Surely You Jest!

This linked article will add some perspective: Polls Favor Oprah Wnfrey For President – Really?

Deranged Anti-Trump People – Please Forgive The Inclusion Of Profanity – Demonically Possessed People Do That Sort Of Stuff – This Is Not Only Hard To Take, But Hard To Believe – 3 minutes!

  Screaming Anti-Trumpsters Are Definitely Deranged!

What I Learned On Vacation!

  It will be no surprise to you that on my vacation to Santa Fe and Phoenix, I learned that certain things don’t change – you can’t get away from them!  As is customary, I turned on the news.  Lo and behold, the same mindless memes were being used with the same excoriating diatribes and screeds. […]