Trump Removes Sydney Powell From Team Through Disassociating Himself.

Sidney Powell – Attorney But Not For Trump Necessarily?

Tucker Carlson challenged her and she got defensive. So far she has not filed a case. Is Sydney Powell a “Deep State” plant, infiltrator, saboteur? This certainly smells “Deep State”. It won’t take long to find out, but in the meantime she may have seriously jeopardized Trump’s position. If I were Giuliani or Trump, I’d be checking her emails, texts and bank accounts for any payoffs she may have received. Just about everyone has a price, and Sydney may be one of those people.

Analogous summary HERE.

One of many reasons the Bible says “Put not your trust in princes and kings, or man for that matter.

Giuliani Says Sidney Powell Not Part of Trump’s Legal Team

Powell is an attorney who made unsupported claims of voter fraud at a press conference at RNC headquarters

Sidney Powell at a news conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Nov. 19.

PHOTO: AL DRAGO/BLOOMBERG NEWSBy  Catherine LuceyUpdated Nov. 22, 2020 7:35 pm ET

Listen to this article3 minutes  00:00 / 03:15 1x President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that Sidney Powell, an attorney who made unsupported claims of voter fraud at a press conference at Republican National Committee headquarters last week, isn’t part of the president’s legal team.Mr. Giuliani said in a statement that Ms. Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity. The statement didn’t offer further explanation, and the campaign didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.The apparent effort of the Trump legal team to distance themselves from Ms. Powell comes after she has been functioning as a member of the president’s legal team. Mr. Trump included her in a list of his team’s lawyers in a Nov. 14 tweet, saying she was part of a truly great team, added to our other lawyers and representatives! In an emailed statement, Ms. Powell said: “I agree with the statement today. I will represent #WeThePeople and seek the Truth. I intend to expose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may. We will not allow the foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud.” The announcement came as the president has seen a series of courtroom defeats in his efforts to overturn his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden. The latest came Saturday when a federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed a Trump campaign lawsuit that accused Pennsylvania officials of enabling voter fraud.


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At the RNC headquarters press conference last week, Ms. Powell appeared alongside Mr. Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, a legal adviser to the campaign and an attorney to the president, as they laid out sprawling and unsupported allegations of a conspiracy to rig the election. She told reporters that the president lost the election because of widespread fraud. No evidence of such fraud has emerged. Ms. Powell at the RNC event aired accusations of foreign interference in the election, which she claimed had been rigged by communist money from Cuba and China and through a plot concocted by Hugo Chvez, the Venezuelan leader who died in 2013, and the financier George Soros.Ms. Powell continued making unsupported claims in an interview with Newsmax that aired Saturday. She said a coming lawsuit in Georgia would be biblical, and suggested that Georgia Republicans overseeing the vote count should be investigated.Ms. Powell hasn’t appeared in court for Mr. Trump’s campaign, and the campaign’s attorneys haven’t alleged foreign influence in courtrooms or in legal briefs. Ms. Powell has represented Michael Flynn, the former Trump administration national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is now trying to reverse the plea.An administration official, following release of the statement, said in an unsolicited text message: This has become a farce. The legal effort is now making the president a national laughingstock.Rebecca Ballhaus contributed to this article.Write to Catherine Lucey at

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