Tag Archives: tyranny

10 Minute Video – You’re Going To Jail If You Don’t Fill Out A Piece Of Paper!!

  Yes, you are likely to soon become a criminal if you have cash, Bitcoin or any digital currency, or if you fail to fill out a piece of paper revealing all!  The video explains it, and below that is the actual Senate bill being proposed in its full text. Don’t let the thieves and […]

U.S. Heading For A Dictatorship? Don’t Roll Your Eyes At This – Look Around You!

  One of the most critical factors in the rise of NAZI Germany was propaganda.  The people had to be worked up into a frenzy in order to manipulate them into submitting to a dictator and supporting a war. What’s going on in America today?  The U.S. is in the face of the Syrians, Russians, […]

Historian & Patriot, Otto Scott, Taught Me What Envy Is.

  Otto Scott made a trip to South Africa.  While there, he made an interesting observation visiting some of the tribes, and he noticed that everyone, including the chiefs, all had the exact same size huts.  He talked with them to find out how they think, and the following is the example he used to […]

No Punishment For 3 Muslim Boys Who Rape 5 Year Old Girl In Idaho!!!

  If you’re a Muslim in America, it’s o.k. to rape, pillage and murder with impunity. Remember, women are held in very low regard by Islam.  They are circumcised, denied equal rights and treated as second class citizens.  See link below: Nothing Happens To Muslim Boys Who Raped 5 Year Old Girl – Pen Pensamiento […]

Video Documenting Bill Clinton’s Total Depravity And Criminal Activity.

  This fascinating documentary reveals the abject depravity of Bill Clinton’s voracious sexual appetite, power mongering, treasonous behavior, murdering potential witnesses against him for his behaviors.  In fact, Clinton told one of the state troopers guarding him that he must be prepared to lie, kill and cheat in order to protect him!  How does someone […]

16 Minute Video Analysis & Review Of The 2017 Bilderberger Meeting In Virginia

  More than anything, the latest Bilderberger meeting forebodes war – world war.  These people are evil, enemies of mankind.  Although they are few in numbers, they are huge in wealth and political clout. Bilderberg 2017 – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes […]

2 Minute Video – Thug Cops Force Man To Take In Immigrants To Live In His Property Against His Will – Coming To America? We’ll See.

  Free Housing For Immigrants

Memorial Day – What’s It All About?

  Memorial Day is a time of “memory”, or remembering.  What are we remembering? Ostensibly, according to veterans and the government, we are remembering those who fought for our freedom in America and for the world.  This has a nice ring to  it, but is it reality?  Although it’s been 76 years since the United […]

13 Minute Video – Criticize Islam & Die – Or At Least Be Attacked With An Intent To Murder.

  Robert Spencer has done a great deal of scholarly work in studying the Koran, analyzing it and exposing its violent nature, and that of its adherents.  For that, he has now been poisoned literally.  He’s also been poisoned by a cowardly, spineless, leftist corporate media with absolutely no backbone to stand up to evil. […]

“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” — James P. Warburg, February 17, 1950, testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

  James P. Warburg was a founding member of the U.S. banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve Bank.  He along with the rest were tools of the Rothschilds. Read the linked article for more details: World Government Previous related posts on the subject: SECRET & SEMI-SECRET SOCIETIES – RUN THE WORLD AND YOUR LIFE – SEE […]

Our Source Of Freedom! Trump Has His Opinion

  Trump’s speech linked at the very end of this post.  Before you declare your freedom, you should ask where does it come from?  In that process, remember that we live under somebody’s laws.  All laws are moral issues of right and wrong – acceptable or unacceptable to those in power.  In other words, all […]

The Full Documentary Of South African Savagery By The Communist Backed ANC!

  As you watch this, see if you see some striking similarities between South Africa, and the current situation in Syria and between the ANC and ISIS.  The full 1 hour and 54 minute documentary reveals the evil violence of the African National Congress and their great leader and champion – Nelson Mandela.  Why do […]

Repealing Obamacare Violates International Law! That Is, Of Course, If You Choose To Be Subservient To The Corrupt, Hypocritical, Socialist U.N.

  You may laugh, but the United Nations is as serious as a heart attack, and they think they actually count.  As long as leftist politicians in America give them money and credibility, they do count – even though they are responsible for child molestation, rape, pillage, murder, warmongering and undermining governments that disagree with […]

EU Votes To Tighten Controls On Internet Speech! U.S. Is Next!

  The First Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights is “Free speech”.  It is not a benefit that Europeans have.  You cannot allow free speech in a totalitarian society.  It will undermine the power and tyranny (from the Greek tyranos or godless rule) of those who are running things politically, and expose the bankers […]

Interview With Venezuelan Citizen – It’s Ugly, And It’s Not Getting Better, And It’s Coming To A Neigborhood Near You!

  There was a time when Venezuela was a prosperous nation with a strong middle class – just like America.  Not any more – if you think you’re going to escape the tragedy of Venezuela, you are very naive, and in for a big disappointment.  The whole world is on the verge of Venezuela type […]

The Reason Why America’s Founding Fathers Gave Us The Second Amendment

  First is a comment by Alexander Hamilton who was one of three authors of the Federalist Papers which were for the purpose of explaining to the people why the Constitution was written the way it was.  Below that is a link with a two minute news report on Venezuela taking guns away from the […]

Can You Answer This Question?

  WHY????????   Why would Bashar Al Assad bomb his own people bringing world opinion down on himself, and do it in a non strategic location instead of bombing his enemy ISIS?   That should be enough of a question to let you know that there’s no way Assad did this dastardly deed.  It was […]

5 Reasons David Rockefeller Won’t Be Missed – Bill Gates Is The Threat Now!

  The following link exposes David Rockefeller and Bill Gates for their assault on mankind.  Watch the embedded videos. 5 Reasons Rockefeller Won’t Be Missed – How About Bill Gates?

Oprah Winfrey For President – Surely You Jest!

This linked article will add some perspective: Polls Favor Oprah Wnfrey For President – Really?