Tag Archives: recession

The Value Of The Dollar!

Fort Knox, the U.S. official gold storage facility, claims to have a little over 147 million ounces. That amounts, in today’s gold value, to about $300 Billion. Our debt is $35 Trillion officially (likely much more! That means that the U.S. has less than 1% backing of its currency, the dollar! Therefore, to have full […]

8 Minute Video – Joe Biden Shouldn’t Debate Trump – He Should Continue Hiding Out In His Basement!

Tucker Carlson Exposes Biden, Leftists Behind Him & Just How Corrupt Things Are If you think that Donald Trump is the answer, then you better pray hard, campaign hard and vote faithfully.  Biden has the bankers behind him, the intelligence agencies behind him, the Washington bureaucracy behind him, Antifa and Black Lives Matter behind him, […]

Dow Stocks Down 10%

The stock market has experienced its first “correction” (down 10%) in well over a decade.  It’s been the longest “Bull” run in U.S. history, so don’t panic – at least not yet.  Coronavirus is not as deadly as the flu.  Whether it’s politics, rumors of wars, plagues or business failures corrections usually come every year […]

Quote Of The Day! Very Clever & Funny!

  Gratis Gerald Celente; “The market keeps going because of the methadone being injected into it, but at some point, the addict overdoses and dies.” Many Links Below – Become Informed! Feel Free To Pass On Any Posts – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then […]

44 Minute Video – What Does A Quadrillion Dollars Look Like? $1,000,000,000,000,000.00! Spare Change Anyone? Here’s An Analysis You Should See & For Which You Should Prepare!

  A Dollar Collapse?  Jim Rickards has been a consultant to the CIA, White House, the Congress, and Federal Reserve.  He’s an insider who should not be ignored.  The below book links are listed in chronological sequence from their publishing dates – Recommended Reading: The Death Of Money  A New Case For Gold The Road […]

List Of Retail Chains Closing In 2017

  There’s a reason for all of these store closures.  It’s one of two reasons.  Either the retailers don’t know how to operate a profitable business which is not likely,  Or, the retail consumer has no money to spend.  It is most likely the latter reason.  If so, why do they not have money?  Obamacare […]

10 Minute Video – What Constitutes An Economic Crisis? This Lays Out The Hard Cold Facts.

  Are you content?  Is all well?  Do you have plenty of money?  Are you out of debt?  Do you know the difference between an asset and a liability?  If so, then no need to watch this video – you are part of the 1%. What Qualifies As An Economic Crisis? – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso […]

30 Minute Video – Peter Schiff Rattles Off Economic Analysis Without A Single Note Or A Teleprompter – He Knows Of What He Speaks.

  Peter Schiff’s father, Irwin, died in jail after being imprisoned for writing a book exposing the corruption and superfluous illegality of the I.R.S. and the Federal Reserve. Peter has carried the torch lighting the way to understanding of how corrupt our monetary and taxing system is.  Watch the link below: Peter Schiff – Pen […]

Is A Market Crash Looming Large On The Horizon? Be Careful.

  Charts based upon history since the 1800’s.  Will history, or the mistakes of history, be repeated?  You be the judge, and to be forewarned is to be forearmed.  Caution is the word of the day.  See the 35 minute video in the link below: Stock Market Crash Looming Large On The Horizon – Pen […]

Stefan Molyneux Exposes & Contrasts Economic & Geopolitical Realities – This Is One Hour – He’s A Genius!

This includes an empirical analysis of economic realities that Fascists try to manipulate, Socialists envy or ignore, Communists hate, libertarians understand, and monopoly capitalists legislate against fruitlessly. Stefan Molyneux Tells It Like It Is – Pen Pensamiento Peligroso writes the truth as he sees it, and if it upsets you, then it makes you think!

From A Former U.S. Treasury Secretary – How It Is & How It Will Be – Not Good

Watch this interview (link below) if you want to know why America is going down the tubes and will likely never recover.  Paul Craig Roberts is former Wall Street Journal editor, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan. Paul Craig Roberts Tells It Like It Is & Will Be