For The Pro-Choice Crowd – A Question If You Please?

Cave in Kabayan village filled with hundreds of skulls belonging to the unwanted!

Please tell me, how many Chuck Berry’s (originator of Rock ‘N Roll music), Oprah Winfrey’s (the second Black billionaire and popular actress and TV host), Denzel Washington’s (top Black actor and philanthropist), LeBron James’ (top black basketball player and politically outspoken Democrat) have been flushed down the abortionist’s toilet?

Note, the list of above personages are all black. It is worth noting that the aborting of black babies per capita, is greater than that of white babies! Is that the result of the racist understandings of people like the Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger?

My second question is; what is it that is being “aborted”? Is it a piece of tissue? If so, then what happens to that tissue if it is allowed to thrive? If abortion is o.k. right up until the moment of delivery, then why are there in utero surgeries that are performed as early as 16 weeks (40 weeks being full gestation)? What are they operating on – a piece of tissue, or a human being? Can’t be both!

Third, you speak of “viability”. Outside the womb, a premature baby is not viable without special life support systems and equipment. It is conceded that that is true! It is also true that a three year old cannot surive out of the womb without adult help and supervision – and, likely not even a five year old!

Lastly, with your “viability ” philosophy, shall we abort a human being (once born, it is assumed you will at that time acknowledge it is a human being) up until the age of three – four, five? Where would you draw the line? And, of course viability also becomes an issue at the end of life. Many elderly could not survive more than two or three days without substantial support from loving and merciful human beings! Shall we terminate anyone who is not viable, and who will decide viability? Remember, there was a time when you wer not viable, and a time is coming when you might not be viable! How shall you be dealt with?

Pensiamento Peligroso

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