Can A Christian Be A Registered Democrat? How About A Registered Republican?

TOPSHOT – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other Democratic lawmakers take a knee to observe a moment of silence on Capitol Hill for George Floyd. (Getty Images)

It is quite clear that the god of the Democrats is money and the state and the power that accompanies it. Amos 3:1 – 3 says that “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed.” In other words, can you join forces with someone if you disagree with them? The Democrats, and the Democratic Party would say “No!” unequivocally when it comes to certain issues. What are those issues (often referred to as a litmus test)?

The first is abortion. Jeremiah 1:5 clearly attests to the fact that God is involved not only in the womb, but before conception! The second would be the LGBTQI etc. movement. Romans 1:15 – 32. This Scripture passage also condemns envy and covetousness wich are at the root of Socialism and which as a third litmus test, is also a mandated position of the Democrats (many of whom are Communists in disguise!) Proverbs 22:7 condemns and warns against debt which also is a fourth and constant ploy of the Democrats! The Democrats lie constantly, and manipulate people Proverbs 6:14 pitting the poor against the rich, black against white Christian against secularist, left against righ etc. etc. Democrats feign love and compassion, and yet, their words ring hollow as the poor grow in their numbers and their poverty James 2:16. Democrats are uniformly against the 2nd Amendment and gun rights for self-defense Luke22: 36 – 38 In I Timothy 5:8 it says if you don’t provide for your family, you are worse than an infidel. So, should the government provide for your family and become its provider i.e. welfare, SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan), subsidized housing, affirmative action, etc. etc. Should you support and impose that kind of disincentivizing dependency creation upon your fellow man, and take from your fellow man who produces to achieve that end?

Of course this could go on a lot further, but the point is made. Now, does this mean that Republicans are free from these sins? No, an emphatic No! You have two camps of Republicans. You have the RINO’s who are Republican In Name Only, and who are Communist light, or put another way, Democrat wolves in Republican sheep’s clothing. They, like the current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will, as much as they can get away with it, align with the Democrat agenda! They comprise a significant percentage of the Republican Party, and they too have little, if anything, in common with Christianity. The balance of the Republicans lean toward Christian principles, and many are professing Christians. Keep in mind, there are a whole lot of “FAKE” Christians out there deceiving even the elect if they can Matthew 24:24!

So, in answer to the question; “Can a Christian be a registered Democrat?”, in this writer’s opinion, the answer is an unequivocal “No!”. Add to that, the Green Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party and Libertarian Party! Can a Christian be a registered Republican; this writer would say yes, with the caveat that they could not be “blind party loyalists” (i.e. voting a straight party line). They must act with their eyes open, Christian principles in place, and their brains engaged. Is it time to have a Christian Political Party? Maybe, but only if the Bible properly understood and interpreted (See the following document for some perspective on this – The Westminster Confession of Faith). were the only basis for the Party, and strong unequivocal measures were taken to avoid any one group or person’s dominance over the party (See Book of Church Order which could easily apply in principle to the political arena). With the disparate and abysmal lack of Biblical understanding in America today, that is a very tall order! Come quickly LORD Jesus!

Pensiamento Peligroso

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