Daily Archives: March 30, 2024

American Medical Association President Calls for Censorship of ‘Vaccine Misinformation’

AMA why don’t you tell these girls about the progressive Marxist medical agenda you have for them HERE & Heritage Foundations analysis HERE! Medical Errors are, depending upon statistics, the leading or third most common cause of death HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Uplifting Interview By Tucker Carlson – Mike Rowe Of Dirty Jobs Fame!

Tucker Carlson interviews Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame HERE! Mike is doing some good stuff! Pensiamento Peligroso

Video – Man Slugs Woman – Breaks Her Jaw – 7 Previous Arrests For Assault & He’s Released From Custody!

Video – Dulce Pichardo jaw is broken when she’s punched by a seven time offender HERE, and then the D.A. lets him go. And, HERE is another instance with a poor gal on the subway all alone except for her attacker. If you who are reading this are too stupid to see where this is […]

Denver Mom Recovers Her Stolen Car Herself When Police Are Unable To Dispatch Anyone!

“911 What’s your emergency?” Holly – “My car was stolen!” 911 “We don’t have anyone available to investigate.” Huh? Well, maybe 911 is only available to help if you’ve been murdered. See full story HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

New York City: Multiple Young Women Punched in the Face Appears to Be a Trend. Man Arrested.

New York City: Multiple Young Women Punched in the Face Appears to Be a Trend. Man Arrested. Pensiamento Peligroso

Build Back Better Economy Doing So Well, That…..

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