Daily Archives: March 28, 2024

Declaring Christ The “King” Is Antisemetic!

Christ as King is antisemetic? Really? See HERE! Or so say ignorant, elitist and fake Jews. From their own Tanakh which is the law of Moses (Torah), the writings; Palms, Proverbs, and the Prophets, we will show you just how wrong they are, and from the New Testament, we will confirm the error of Andrew […]

Who Was Francis Scott Key & Why Was He Important In American History?

Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner which is America’s National Anthem. What is an anthem? It’s a hymn of praise or gladness, and in this case for patriotic reasons. America has been attacked and the Francis Scott Key Bridge (pictured in better times) was the target, but as a symbol, the target was […]

Biden Didn’t Listen To Obama – Who Has Been Touted As A Constitutional Expert!

Obama’s right – Biden’s wrong HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso