Daily Archives: March 25, 2024

An Open Letter To The Depopulation Establishment!

To all you self-appointed sapient elitists who think you know better for mankind than mankind does for itself! You are doing all you can to destroy the world ecologically, environmentally, economically, socially, legally, and to eliminate any resistance to what you believe is right. We’ve figured that out, and because you mendaciously control money, media, […]

U.S. Military Short On Volunteers – Hey How About Illegal Immigrants? Wow! Good Idea – NOT!!!

Illegal immigrants can fill our military needs for being an imperialist totalitarian thuggish nation HERE. Well, why not, they’re here, and they have no where to go or live and have no income. It all makes perfect sense – right? Wrong!!! Illegal immigrants coming to America are coming for a handout that they have been […]