Daily Archives: March 22, 2024

A Movie That Needs To Be Made – Where’s The Financing To Come From?

John Birch was murdered by the Communist Chinese when WWII was over and he was still in uniform. He was the first casualty of the so called “Cold War”! See a short video clip of a proposed trailer for a movie, hopefully, if you or your acquaintances are willing to belly up to the bar […]

Terrorism Is A Tool Of The Rich – They Want Russia & Putin Now! Shooting Video Here!

Video of terrorist shooting in Moscow HERE! Terrorism is a tool of the rich; the banksters, the billionaires and the bought and paid for corrupt politicians. Putin has got to go – time for Russia to join the NEW WORLD DISORDER or maybe The NotsoGreat Reset! Pensiamento Peligroso

Commie Humor :-)

Commie video humor HERE! Just 1 minute of your time! Pensiamento Peligroso