Daily Archives: March 20, 2024

Supreme Court Justice, Or Stooge For A Billionaire Dictatorship?

Behind the engaging smile is an evil Weapon of Masses’ Destruction HERE! A little more on her HERE, which I found about 10 pages in to a Google search – the first conservative coverage available. Breitbart is certainly worthy of being on the first page, or maybe second page of a Google search, but not […]

Video – Convicts Biden Of Corruption, But Will The Courts Do The Same?

Biden guilty – see video for confirmation HERE! As a stooge for the CCP (Communist Chinese Party), the party will likely not let him be prosecuted – he’s too valuable to them! Pensiamento Peligroso

Canada Wants To Criminalize Free Speech!

Canada wants to criminalize free speech HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Tucker Carlson Interviews Ron Paul – Ron Paul Called It On Ukraine In 2014!

Tucker Carlso interviews former Congressman and three time Presidential candidate Ron Paul HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso