Daily Archives: March 11, 2024

Black On White Crime Ignored By Corporate Lying Media!

Black on white crime covered up by corporate media HERE! Even “flyover” country is not safe from violence! The lying media won’t even point out all of the black on black murders that take place in “liberal” leftist locations like Chicago, IL. Pensiamento Peligroso

Bob Dylan – World Tour!

Why does the poster for the Bob Dylan World Tour have the contents you see ? He shows a skeleton (representing death) holding a package wrapped with a bow in one hand and in the other hand a large hypodermic needle (syringe) with the glove off of the hand holding the needle. Note, the shadow […]

Liz Cheney & J-6 Committee Suppressed A Document That Exonerates Trump!

Liz and J-6 thugocracy suppressed a document that exonerates Donald Trump HERE! Censorship comes in many forms and for different reasons, but the ultimate objective is always to keep knowledge from the masses. And, as Hitler’s right hand henchman Joseph Goebbels said, “Tell a lie often enough, and people will believe it!” Trump has never […]

Makes Sense If You’re A Tyrannical Leftist, But Not Otherwise!

Let this judge explain themself because if they don’t, the U.S. Supreme Court will be required to do so HERE! If you were stabbed with a knife; should the knife manufacturer be held liable? If you were run over by a car, should the automobile manufacturer be held liable? If someone hit you over the […]