Video – Here’s The CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Plan From 2020 & It’s Moving Forward! You’ve Been Forwarned If You Want To Keep Your Freedom!

Just Ran A 2 Minute 18 Second 40 Yard Dash! (Would Have Been Faster, But Had To Rest!)

Augustine Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is shown in this video (go to 23 minutes + for his comments) how he wants to enslave the whole world! I guess the 300 pound + suprlus he carries is not enough? That’s not a small nor insignificant goal! Will he achieve it? Many states in the United States have formally legislated against a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Eleven states have pending legislation against a CBDC and a couple of U.S. states have legislation signed into law already!

Carstens you could say epitomizes the poorly self-disciplined, fat out of control, frivolous, irreverent, anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-GOD, greedy, lusting, covetous,lying, thieving central banksters, (From a Google search – “Carstens, a gourmand, has long struggled with obesity. His weight, which colleagues estimate at well over 300 pounds, has long been a target for Mexican cartoonists, who often depict him as a fat banker trying to wring out money from the poor.” Jun 11, 2011) although in this video, he does reveal some truth! Commentary HERE from Catherine Austin Fitts (by her own admission, a trained central banker who is a whistle blower now).

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