Tag Archives: covid

Pfizer Sued By Kansas State AG! Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire – Watch Out Pfizer Your Big Pharma Scam Might Just Get A Slam – Knock Down That Is!

FOX News reports on the suit, and it includes Pfizer’s written response HERE! “Died suddenly” is a term applied to adults that was rare until the COVID vaccine arrived on the scene! People on TV just falling dead for no apparent reason. Athletes in the prime of life and in excellent physical condition dropping dead […]

Who Are The Powerful Bilderbergers Who Still Push The Plandemic & World Tyranny? See HERE! Also Note The Complexity & Thoroughness Of The Strategy & Effort!

The below is a Herculean effort in finding out who the players were and what responsibilities they chose to take on or were assigned as the case may be! National Task Forces HANDLERS Others Social change Lockdowns Furlough Schemes Digitalisation Masks Social distancing Track and Trace Controlling the Narrative Academia Big media Promoting panic Media […]

Ivermectin Documented To Cure Cancer! Cancer Is A $200 Billion A Year Industry For Big Medicine! What Will They Do Without All Of The Oncology Revenues?

NIH stats on size of cancer industry HERE! Cure information and stats HERE! Excerpted from linked article: “She revealed that the patients went from their deathbeds to making a full recovery and being completely cancer-free in under a year after taking ivermectin.” This is Big, Big news, and the medical industrial complex has to be […]