There Is No Such Thing As Gun Violence – It’s Provable!

An Expert Is A Former Drip Under Pressure!

Gun violence a threat HERE! There’s just one problem with gun violence; there has never been a “violent” gun. There, of course, have been violent people who have used guns. To date, this writer has neither seen, nor heard of a gun shooting anyone. On the other hand, people shoot each other all of the time, and California and Chicago, IL which have the two most restrictive gun laws in America, have the most shootings! Of course, Chicago’s Mayor and California’s Governor would assure you all would be well if no citizens had guns. If just the government had guns, then crime and violence would go away!

Let’s examine that idea for one moment. In the 20th Century, 1900 – 1999, more people were killed (murdered) by governments, than in all of the wars of history combined! Well; you be the judge!

Pensiamento Peligroso

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