Is The Time Coming Soon When Real Estate Will Be Cheap In San Francisco? Keep Your Ear To The Ground & Your Eyes Peeled!

San Francisco Skyline

The below post deals with the idea of urban renewal. Read it and learn. Google is not renewing its lease in prime office space in downtown San Francisco HERE and Sales Force HERE! As office space goes away so do people and business. At the rate of decline, San Francisco will be a ghost town in two to three years!

Let’s consider the good side for a moment. San Francisco has high quality potable water. San Francisoc has super clean air, ocean fishing, one of the best ports in the world, delightful weather – very temperate with comfortable humidity. San Francisco is very scenic and close to giant red wood forests, hilly country, and agriculture – wine (grapes), garlic, artichokes, tomatoes etc. San Francisco looks very attractive to lots of people which is why lots of people live there. It also looks very attractive to the super wealthy, the Communist Chinese and plenty of others.

So, why not drive the people away with a declining economy, homelessness rampant, people pooping in the streets, drug addicts dropping needles on the sidewalk, trash everywhere, grab and go thievery of less than $950 going unpunished, retail stores closing left and right. After a while, people will move away. When enough people move away, the problems which caused the move can easily be rectified by a goverment that does its job. But, meanwhile, real estate prices have tanked by more than 50%! Maybe they will tank by as much as 80% or more!

Be ready to buy commercial real estate in San Francisco. Start forming investment groups, and be ready to pounce. Form investment groups of 5 so no prospectus is required. Multiple investment groups can work together. Have each investor put up $100K. In 2 – 3 years, interest rates will start to decline more than likely, and a $500K portfolio will leverage $5 million. If prices drop by 80%, a low rise office building could sell for as little as $2 or $3 million. Also, be ready for a slow turn around if you get in early. This writer predicts that San Francisco will be a bustling city in another 20 years (greater than the 1990’s), and likely you will see the beginnings of that renewal within the next 2 – 3 years. Watch what the “Big Boys” are doing! By Big Boys, it’s meant the banksters and the hedge funds.


Pensiamento Peligroso

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