There’s Something Happening Here; What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear; There’s a…..

They Admitted It!

…June 16, 2024 10:00 P.M. CBS affiliate news cast that admitted; one, that the media lied about Trump, and two, they showed favor to Biden! Wow! Something’s going on here! This writer has never heard the media admit to lies! In fact, this writer doesn’t recall a retraction from the electronic media ever! This is incredible news – it’s NEWS!!!

This writer has no clear explanation of this or the reasons behind it. Could it be that the establishment is throwing in the towel – fat chance! Could it be that a deal has been cut to accommodate Trump’s election? Could it be that the media is running scared because they know it’s too late for the Democrats to recover and pull this charade out, and they want to make amends in hopes that Trump will be gracious when he takes the White House? Remember, it was one of the first things Trump pushed in his first election – “FAKE NEWS”! Remember?

Pensiamento Peligroso

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