Monthly Archives: June 2024

Video – Trump’s New Ad – Will Cause Liberal Left Apoplexy?

Trump’s new ad HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

7 Second Video – Biden & Pope Go Head To Head! Sort Of? You Figure It Out!

7 second video – Biden and Pope head to head HERE and from a different perspective HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Another Alarming Chart!

If Americans, have to finance their debt, then it will be done by two methods – higher taxes and higher inflation! Pensiamento Peligroso

Can You Answer This Question?

Simple question; “Why is the government running out of money for Social Security to which people are compelled to contribute, while never running out of money for welfare, war and worthless bureaucrats?” Here’s one answer to consider HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Taxpayers Fund Homeless High Rise In L.A. @ $600K Per Unit!

The above high rise holds 278 units. Los Angeles has over 50,000 homeless. Therefore, to treat all homeless people equally, L.A. only needs to build another 180 of these high rises. What a deal! This is certainly a very strong incentive to be homeless. It is also a very strong decentive to work, save and […]

Is The Time Coming Soon When Real Estate Will Be Cheap In San Francisco? Keep Your Ear To The Ground & Your Eyes Peeled!

The below post deals with the idea of urban renewal. Read it and learn. Google is not renewing its lease in prime office space in downtown San Francisco HERE and Sales Force HERE! As office space goes away so do people and business. At the rate of decline, San Francisco will be a ghost town […]

They Said It! You Better Believe They Meant It!

His statement before a U.S. Senate Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations HERE! Excerpted text here: “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.“ Bio HERE! Benjamin Disraeli said; “The world is governed by very different […]

Pfizer Sued By Kansas State AG! Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire – Watch Out Pfizer Your Big Pharma Scam Might Just Get A Slam – Knock Down That Is!

FOX News reports on the suit, and it includes Pfizer’s written response HERE! “Died suddenly” is a term applied to adults that was rare until the COVID vaccine arrived on the scene! People on TV just falling dead for no apparent reason. Athletes in the prime of life and in excellent physical condition dropping dead […]

911 “Official” ABC Photographs Of The Pentagon! See If You Can Figure Out The #1 Problem With Them!

No valid explanation has ever been given for building #7 going down on 911. Now look at the “official” pictures of the Pentagon on 911 from the ABC Network HERE. Now, notice as you scroll through, the contextual pictures – that is the ones that show the Pentagon at a distance have no airline debris […]

FOX News Exposes Illegal Immigrant Problem, But Fails To See The End Game!

Fox News addresses illegal immigration HERE! They’re whipping up conservatives to call for action! What kind of action will we get? How about required digital I.D.’s for everyone so the illegals can be rounded up and deported. Well, the digital I.D.’s anyway. The legal citizen will soon be treated like an illegal alien, and we […]

The Gates Of Hell!

Scripture tells us HERE that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church. This passage needs some examination. First of all, what is the purpose of a gate? One purpose is to keep out unwanted persons. Two is to keep in and keep safe (and/or ignorant) wanted persons. So, the gates of Hell […]

Rachel Maddow Spouts Off! Watch Out For The “Far Right”, But Don’t Worry About The “Far Left”, Because The “Far Left” Doesn’t Exist – Does It?

Rachel Maddow spouts off HERE! Although she has nothing but vitriol for the “far right” and for Republicans, somehow she can find no “far left” with which to contend. MSNBC and Maddow do not conceal their bias, and you have to wonder how many people listen to this drivel and give it a shred of […]

Chart Shows How People Pay For Things! Cash Is 18% & Add In Debit Cards & We’re Close To 50% – Very Encouraging!

Pensiamento Peligroso

Could This Be Why You Can’t Say Anything Bad About Israel?

Could this be why you can’t say anything bad about Israel or Jews HERE? Bear in mind that there are a lot of really excellent and delightful Jewish people in this world, and this writer has worked for and known many of them. Just as there are fake Christians and Muslims, there are also fake […]

I want to see how Criminal an Organization Google is – therefore, I ask you to click on this so I can determine how well their AI censors this BlOG!

If The DOJ Doesn’t Do Their Job, This Congresswoman Will Do It For Them – Yeah! May She Have Great Success!!!

U.S. Representative Anna Paulina Luna will pursue the Congressional arrest of Garland HERE! Hey why is it we don’t have any men with the necessary cajones to do this? So far, her voting record is perfect HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

If You Walk The Street, They’ll Tax Your Feet; If You Smile, They’ll Tax Your Guile; If You Drive A While, They’ll Tax You By The Mile! Hey California Don’t You Just Love It?

California to tax drivers by the mile – gas tax not enough HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Passport (Internal) Based Upon Immigration Status Or Health (pLandemic) Will Set Up The Ultimate Trap To Enslave Us – Don’t Let It Happen – Don’t Go Along With It!!!!

The end of freedom strategy HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Limp Wristed Lindsey Graham; Video/Audio In His Own Words; “Ukraine Has $10 – $12 Trillion In Critical Minerals That He Doesn’t Want Going To Russia And/Or China”!

Lindsey Graham in his own words on the real reason for the Ukraine war HERE! Surprise – it’s not ideological – it’s material! Pensiamento Peligroso

Alarming Poll Results:

Poll results: A strong middle class is the backbone of a free society. Karl Marx (Communist Manifesto) wanted to destroy the bourgeoisie better known as the middle class. Karl Marx was a lazy slob who never worked and failed miserably at supporting his family. He was an atheist and none of his ideas have born […]

Zero Hedge Article On Inflation – Well Written & Insightful!

Zero Hedge article on inflaton – well written and insightful HERE! (You can exit out of subscription solicitation to read article) Pensiamento Peligroso

There’s Something Happening Here; What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear; There’s a…..

…June 16, 2024 10:00 P.M. CBS affiliate news cast that admitted; one, that the media lied about Trump, and two, they showed favor to Biden! Wow! Something’s going on here! This writer has never heard the media admit to lies! In fact, this writer doesn’t recall a retraction from the electronic media ever! This is […]

A Foreboding Chart!

Pensiamento Peligroso

Lex Rex or Rex Lex – Big Difference; Big Choice!

Lex Rex or Rex Lex HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Video – Here’s The CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Plan From 2020 & It’s Moving Forward! You’ve Been Forwarned If You Want To Keep Your Freedom!

Augustine Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is shown in this video (go to 23 minutes + for his comments) how he wants to enslave the whole world! I guess the 300 pound + suprlus he carries is not enough? That’s not a small nor insignificant goal! Will he achieve it? […]

Arrest Journalist If They Say Anything Good About Russia? Surely You Jest? No, It’s True & Hollywood’s Best Is Supporting It!

No more journalists allowed to say anything nice about Russia HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Planned Destruction Of Idaho’s Agriculture – Want Your French Fries, Hash Browns, Mashed Potatoes etc.? Better Speak Up Now Before It’s Too Late!

Watch whole video, or go to 29 minutes approximately for Idaho’s problems HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Colorado Leftist Pervert Governor Now Demanding Censorship In Education!

To leftist pervert, add porker and censor to substantially describe this Governor HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

42 Second Video – Nancy Pelosi Admits She Was “Culpable” For J-6!

42 second video of Pelosi admitting J-6 culpability HERE! Of course, when you are at fault, you must point the finger of blame at someone else – that is the custom of politicians – is it not? Dear Donald, than you for being available Pensiamento Peligroso

Tucker Carlson Interviews Steve Bannon As He Prepares To Report To Prison!

Tucker interviews Bannon HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso