District Attorney Says; “It is not the job of individuals to do ‘Policing'”

The Very “Slick” Wyandotte County District Attorney Mark Dupree

Citizens cannot do the “policing” HERE! “It is law enforcement’s job to do the policing.” Let’s just parse this statement for a moment. There is, of course, the old addage that when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. Under the circumstances of this supposed criminal activity no citizens arrest is possible, and the criminal once again becomes the victim – the story is getting old, but people continue to put up with it. Individual responsibility is not a realistic consideration in a Socialist or Communsit state.

The bottom line is that if you are in retail and someone comes in and steals from you, that you should just let them walk out with your property – no problem! Of course we see in Chicago where Walmart in 17 years had a store that never turned a profit, and they finally closed it because of the theft factor. Now, the Mayor of Chicago – a real unprincipled dimwit – wants to open government grocery stores. Well, guess the tax payer will be on the hook for the theft now. So what else is new? Are we seeing a trend here? More power to George Soros and his Communist entourage!

Pensiamento Peligroso

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