Daily Archives: September 29, 2023

Illegal Aliens Exempt From COVID Shots & COVID Contact Tracing – Can You Say Fraud? I Knew You Could!

No vaccines or contact tracing for illegal immigrants – only for U.S. citizens HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Sound Of Freedom Movie Now Over $217 million Going Into The Weekend!

Sound of Freedom updated Here: SOUND OF FREEDOM UPDATED FACTS! Pensiamento Peligroso

BLM Activist Dies At Hands Of BLM Criminal Released Early From Jail By Soros Funded D.A.!

BLM activist killed at hands of BLM Criminal released from jail early by BLM soft on crime Soros funded D.A. HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

With Dianne Feinstein Dead, Will Gavin Newsome Be Able To Find An Equally Unctous Person To Replace Her?

Will Gavin Newsome be able to find as unctuous a replacement for this abominable woman now deceased HERE? Pensiamento Peligroso

Christianity & Liberalism

There are rare occasions throughout history when someone as prescient as J. Gresham Machen apprears on the scene (BOOK HERE). His battle with the “Liberals” (I use the term loosely) back in the 1920’s and 30’s actually made the front pages of the New York Times – a then somewhat respectable rag which today would […]

District Attorney Says; “It is not the job of individuals to do ‘Policing'”

Citizens cannot do the “policing” HERE! “It is law enforcement’s job to do the policing.” Let’s just parse this statement for a moment. There is, of course, the old addage that when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. Under the circumstances of this supposed criminal activity no citizens arrest is possible, and the […]