Governor Grisham Of New Mexico Should Take Two Steps Back! (An Opinion)

Governor Grisham

Governor Grisham of New Mexico recently abolished the 2nd Amendment in parts of New Mexico including Albuquerque. She did it under the auspices of a medical emergency. The uproar – even from fellow liberals/leftists was overwhelming. After standing fast for a few days, she relented and narrowed the focus to a couple of areas of life including parks. People seemed placated after that.

What did she really do. She said she could declare a medical emergency and suspend the Constitution. She said no rights, nor her oath of office were “absolute”! As Vladimir Lenin (quoting from Johnathan Swift) said; “Promises are like pie crusts, made to be broken!” Communists, and now Democrats openly, are liars, traitors, thieves, murderers, and hypocrites. What Governor Grisham has done is an old Communist trick (stratagem) “Two steps forward; one step back!” At that rate, you’re always advancing, but you appear from time to time to be retreating.

It’s a method of softening up your opponent – they think, oh well, the person is willing to compromise, so it’s a win win situation. My question to you the reader is this; “If you poison the well with a little poison or a lot of poison, have you not still poisoned the well?” Governor Grisham needs to take two steps back!!!

Pensiamento Peligroso

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