Media Lies Again Regarding The “New” COVID “Vaccine”!

Six Months Or Older – Get Vaxxed!

Although U.S. bought and paid for (by big pharma advertising revenues 0 70%) media is telling you the new COVID vaccine has been “approved” HERE! It’s been approved as an experimental use authorization only. They tested it on 8 mice – no news on the status of the mice. Also, be reminded that states like Florida and Texas have outlawed vaccine and mask mandates, and the Surgeon General of Florida has actually recommended against taking the “jab”! Hey some body get to that guy with a bribe before he ruins everything for big pharma eugenicists!

KEEP IN MIND THAT HEALTH INSURANCE DOESN’T COVER EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL TREATMENTS!!! If you are injured or killed, tough luck! Now you know why the shots are being given “free“! People wouldn’t take them if they had to pay for them, and doctors would be obligated to tell patients that insurance doesn’t cover the “jab”!

Pensiamento Peligroso

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