Daily Archives: September 18, 2023

Discovery, Development, History & Clinical Trials Of Ivermectin! (For People)

No side effects with the highly efficacious Ivermectin which has been administered billions of times to hundreds of millions of people. On the other hand, Remdesivir is known to cause renal failure and death in a high percentage of cases! See HERE. Scroll down for video which includes Joe Rogan interviewing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. […]

Here A Meme, There A Meme, Everywhere A Meme – Have You Been Memed Today?

The problem is that stupidity is caused by evils such as ignorance and turning away from good sense and God. Pensiamento Peligroso

Documentary Video That Will Blow Your Mind – Is It Legitimate Or Propaganda?

Documentary video – mind blowing if true, and if propaganda and deception, very clever. You decide HERE! This writer is very suspect – is it the “Deep State” trying to put us to sleep? Pensiamento Peligroso

Media Lies Again Regarding The “New” COVID “Vaccine”!

Although U.S. bought and paid for (by big pharma advertising revenues 0 70%) media is telling you the new COVID vaccine has been “approved” HERE! It’s been approved as an experimental use authorization only. They tested it on 8 mice – no news on the status of the mice. Also, be reminded that states like […]