
Oh The Darlings!

Transgenderism is a delicate, uh sensitive, uh controversial, uh benign subject about men, uh males, uh genetically coded, uh people who like to, uh find themselves, uh want to become, uh change their sex to, uh transition from male to female or female to male, uh, well, anyway, they don’t think they should be judged based upon how they look, act or speak, and they should be addressed according to their proper pronoun which is uh, whatever they say at the time they say they are what they say they are, and you should know what that is so as not to offend them.

Additionally, it is imperative that any of your hard eared money be used through taxation to pay for the transition chemicals and surgeries as well as all of the follow up psychological counseling, illnesses, infections, corrections for mistakes, funerals for suicide etc. It’s your duty as an American citizen.

It is also critical to provide them with meaningful and important high paying jobs and to accept everything they say and do as normal and authoritative. Any misgendering (no matter how confused the person doing the misgendering is) is tantamount to a character assassination and a violent threat to the homeostasis of the person who is offended, and threatened.

Be sure you are clear on how to handle this situation as it can be very expensive to make an error. You could lose your job, be sued for everything you have (the courts will always rule against you), and be publicly humiliated and vilified for the rest of your natural or unnatural life unless you are just murdered and relieved of the incredible burden of this nonsense.

Pensiamento Peligroso


  1. Thank you, George

    For all your tireless effort bringing truth to us.

    Heard an interesting comment today on a youtube channel where Lee Vliet was being interviewed. A lawyer on the podcast said, “conspiracy theory is probable cause”.

    Leo ________________________________


    1. Leo,
      Thanks for the thanks. I’m slow getting caught up.


    2. Just getting caught up with responses I may have missed?


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