Bill Gates Wants To Bury 70 Million Acres Of Trees In U.S. To Save Mother Earth From Global Warming – Yes Folks You Heard It Correctly!

Bill Gates – Medical Expert, Tech Guru, Environmentalist Extraordinaire, Philanthropist, Altruistic B.S. Etc.!

Bill Gates to bury 70 million acres of trees HERE and HERE! To put this in perspective, here are some statistics:

Excluding the U.S. territories, forested land in the U.S. covers roughly 818,814,000 acres (3,313,622 square kilometers).

The issue is; how will Bill Gates be kept from going on beyond 70 million acres. What would keep him from going for 100 million, or 500 million? Trees provide oxygen, and carbon dioxide feeds trees. They are trying currently in the process of taking carbon dioxide out of the air and burying it as well. Something smells fishy in Denmark so to speak!

More HERE!

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