Trump Exposed – What A Great Actor – Had Tens Of Millions Totally Fooled! (Still Does)!

Donald J. Trump = Puppet!

Listen to this expose’ of Trump HERE! Trump’s Inauguration was paid for by Pfizer. Trump never completed the wall and took his sweet time starting it. Trump never drained the swamp – he just perpetuated it. Trump talked about voting reform but never did any thing about it. Trump unleashed a deadly vaccine upon America – liberals said they wouldn’t take it, but Biden comes out in support of it, and it becomes mandated by liberals – what a charade – it’s all theater. It goes on!

Yes, in order to not look too obvious, Trump did do some temporary and nominal good. (Executive orders are not law, and legislated laws must be signed into law by the President, or his veto must be overridden. Congress is all theater as well. We’ve been had folks!)

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