How Will The Establishment Get You Out Of Your Home By Condemning It!

Conspiracy – Never – CBS News Told Me So!

Condemning your home to get you out HERE! Is the Hawaiian fire of Lahaina the tip of the spear? Humorist, Will Rogers, once said about land; “They’re not making any more of it!” Not only that, but the most desirable land, beach front property, scenic well developed property and the like, is very expensive. Condemning the land does two things – drops the price to near $0.00, and puts the land in the hands of the government. Of course, the government is controlled by very wealthy people like George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc. who would be happy to buy it for $0.02 on the dollar and spend a nominal amount by comparison to having to buy expensive land and then develop it. Could this video explain why dynamite cities like San Francisco (this writer speaks from experience after having lived there for several years) are being run into the ground? The idea is not so far fetched. Urban renewal has been done through a similar method although on a smaller scale for decades.

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