Daily Archives: September 4, 2023

Why Does The I.R.S. Need 40 Caliber Machine Guns?

Why does the I.R.S. need machine guns and millions of rounds of ammo HERE? They are not the only government agency with lots of guns and ammo! Pensiamento Peligroso

Texas Outlaws Mask & Vaccine Mandates

Texas outlaws mask and vaccine mandates HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

How Will The Establishment Get You Out Of Your Home By Condemning It!

Condemning your home to get you out HERE! Is the Hawaiian fire of Lahaina the tip of the spear? Humorist, Will Rogers, once said about land; “They’re not making any more of it!” Not only that, but the most desirable land, beach front property, scenic well developed property and the like, is very expensive. Condemning […]