Monthly Archives: September 2023

Meme, Meme, Meme; Are You In Tune?

Sports are a distraction from church, propaganda, perversion inflation, war, corruption, degeneracy, lies, cheating, stealing, crime, poverty, violence, political change, bad legislation, government failures, your own failures etc. etc. ARE YOU DISTRACTED? Pensiamento Peligroso

15 Minute Video – Elon Musk Examines The Border Crisis!

Elon Musk 15 minute video on border crisis HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Illegal Aliens Exempt From COVID Shots & COVID Contact Tracing – Can You Say Fraud? I Knew You Could!

No vaccines or contact tracing for illegal immigrants – only for U.S. citizens HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Sound Of Freedom Movie Now Over $217 million Going Into The Weekend!

Sound of Freedom updated Here: SOUND OF FREEDOM UPDATED FACTS! Pensiamento Peligroso

BLM Activist Dies At Hands Of BLM Criminal Released Early From Jail By Soros Funded D.A.!

BLM activist killed at hands of BLM Criminal released from jail early by BLM soft on crime Soros funded D.A. HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

With Dianne Feinstein Dead, Will Gavin Newsome Be Able To Find An Equally Unctous Person To Replace Her?

Will Gavin Newsome be able to find as unctuous a replacement for this abominable woman now deceased HERE? Pensiamento Peligroso

Christianity & Liberalism

There are rare occasions throughout history when someone as prescient as J. Gresham Machen apprears on the scene (BOOK HERE). His battle with the “Liberals” (I use the term loosely) back in the 1920’s and 30’s actually made the front pages of the New York Times – a then somewhat respectable rag which today would […]

District Attorney Says; “It is not the job of individuals to do ‘Policing'”

Citizens cannot do the “policing” HERE! “It is law enforcement’s job to do the policing.” Let’s just parse this statement for a moment. There is, of course, the old addage that when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. Under the circumstances of this supposed criminal activity no citizens arrest is possible, and the […]

Buried CBS Video Documentary – Mike Wallace Investigates CIA Corruption & Corrupting Influence.

Video documentary exposes the CIA HERE; back when CBS actually did investigative journalism and apparently were not yet controlled by the CIA. VIDEO TAKES A FEW SECONDS TO START – OPENING IS PICTURE OF YOU TUBE’S SAD FACE – BE PATIENT! C.I.A. DEBATE Pensiamento Peligroso

Homeless Camps In Beverly Hills – Hey Why Not?

2 1/2 minute video – homelessness in Beverly Hills HERE! The following axiom holds true; “The more you subsidize something, the more you get of it!” Pensiamento Peligroso

30 Second Video – Young Boy Chooses 2 Oreo Cookies Over $10,000.00 In Cash!

30 second video – young boy chooses 2 Oreo cookies over $10,000.00 in cash! Well so much for choosing your own gender at that age! Pensiamento Peligroso

Video – Hoards & Hoards & Hoards – Get Rid Of Them Or Die America!

Video – hoards & hoards & hoards HERE! Many who come do so with hostile intent to overthrow America! Pensiamento Peligroso

Tucker Carlson Interviews Ken Paxton After Acquittal. Texas Has A Problem!

Tucker Carlson interviews Ken Paxton after acquittal HERE! Texas has a system where Republicans can’t elect their own House leader when they are in the majority? Pensiamento Peligroso

When The Government Fears The People, There Is Freedom! When The People Fear The Government, There Is Tyranny!

U.S. Representative Victoria Spartz questions Attorney General Garland HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Being Struck By Lightning Is A 3.8 Standard Deviation. The Current Excess Death Rate Is A 10.0 Standard Deviation!

Naomi Wolf (Former Clinton Appointee) interviews Ed Dowd HERE! More people are dying from the “vaccine” folks – wake up – don’t take the next one. Pensiamento Peligroso

Mask Wearing Mandates? Do NOT Comply!!!

Fauci’s wrong; don’t be a fool – see 13 years of testing HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Governor Grisham Of New Mexico Should Take Two Steps Back! (An Opinion)

Governor Grisham of New Mexico recently abolished the 2nd Amendment in parts of New Mexico including Albuquerque. She did it under the auspices of a medical emergency. The uproar – even from fellow liberals/leftists was overwhelming. After standing fast for a few days, she relented and narrowed the focus to a couple of areas of […]

U.S. House Passes Anti-CBDC Bill (Central Bank Digital Currency)!

U.S. House says “NO!” to CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) HERE! Read Pensiamento Peligroso’s previous posts (below) on the subject from years ago! LIFE IN A CASHLESS SOCIETY! CASHLESS – IT’S COMING & FORMER CONGRESSWOMAN & U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & EX-DEMOCRAT TULSI GABBARD OPPOSES IT – TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEWS & IT’S A SHORT INTERVIEW. JULY 2023 – […]

5 Minute Video On 911 – Watch It Before The Censors Pull It!

5 Minute excellent video on 911 – watch HERE before censors take it down! Pensiamento Peligroso

Texas Congregation Prays For Transgenders – Hey Why Not; They’re All God’s Children – Just Not His Adopted Children!

Short video shows group praying for transgenders HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Video – Joy Riding Teens Laugh As They Intentionally Rear End Bicyclist While They Drove A Stolen Vehicle & Videoed The Event!

Teens run down cyclist intentionally murdering him HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

1 Minute Video Of Train Load Of Immigrants Coming To America!

1 Minute video of train load of illegal immigrants headed for U.S. HERE! For the “Nay ” sayers and naive, do you think these folks are that well organized and that well off financially, that they can put this all together by themselves? Don’t be silly – you have some very treasonous leaders in America […]

The State Of The Dollar, U.S. & World Economies – Very Interesting!

Dollar, U.S. and world economy’s status HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Discovery, Development, History & Clinical Trials Of Ivermectin! (For People)

No side effects with the highly efficacious Ivermectin which has been administered billions of times to hundreds of millions of people. On the other hand, Remdesivir is known to cause renal failure and death in a high percentage of cases! See HERE. Scroll down for video which includes Joe Rogan interviewing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. […]

Here A Meme, There A Meme, Everywhere A Meme – Have You Been Memed Today?

The problem is that stupidity is caused by evils such as ignorance and turning away from good sense and God. Pensiamento Peligroso

Documentary Video That Will Blow Your Mind – Is It Legitimate Or Propaganda?

Documentary video – mind blowing if true, and if propaganda and deception, very clever. You decide HERE! This writer is very suspect – is it the “Deep State” trying to put us to sleep? Pensiamento Peligroso

Media Lies Again Regarding The “New” COVID “Vaccine”!

Although U.S. bought and paid for (by big pharma advertising revenues 0 70%) media is telling you the new COVID vaccine has been “approved” HERE! It’s been approved as an experimental use authorization only. They tested it on 8 mice – no news on the status of the mice. Also, be reminded that states like […]

For Texans & All Americans – AG Dan Paxton Acquitted On All Counts & Reinstated As AG – What Nonsense Do Democrats Have Up Their Sleeves Now?

Dan Paxton Acquitted and reinstated as AG HERE & HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

Here’s A Survey That Should Send Chills Down Your Spine!

See the survey that should send chills down your spine HERE! Pensiamento Peligroso

What Is A Mandate?

A mandate is a command – it is NOT a law! It is true that a mandate may come from an “authoritative” source, but it is not law and therefore does not have to be followed or complied with. Pensiamento Peligroso